订酒店英语情景对话 订飞机票英语情景对话



A: I want to fly to Chicago on Thursday, the 1st.

B: Let me see what's available.

A: I want to go coach, and I'd prefer a morning flight.

B: United's Flight 102 leaves at 9:20.

A: That's fine. What time do I have to be at the airport?

B: Check-in time is 8:45.


A: I'd like to make a reserbation to Los Angeles for next Monday.

B: Just a second and I'll check the schedule.

A: I'll need an economy ticket with an open return.

B: TWA has a fight leaving at 9:25.

A: I guess that's OK. What time should I check in?

B: You have to be there half an hour before departure time.


A: What flights do you have from New York to London tomorrow?

B: One moment, please, and I'll find out what's available.

A: I'd like to travel first-class.

B: OK. We have a nonstop flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25.

订酒店英语情景对话 订飞机票英语情景对话

A: When should I get to the airport?

B: Please be there by 8:45 at the latest.


A: Do you fly to Dallas on Sunday?

B: Just a minute and I'll see if there are any flights.

A: By the way, I don't want a night flight.

B: There's a DC-10 out of LaGuardia Airport at 9:15.

A: When am I supposed to check in?

B: Try to be there by 8:15-the airport will be crowded.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/235961/143425576.html


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