中文文章翻译成英文 关于科比的文章英文并有中文翻译



科比跟腱撕裂或致赛季报销 小飞侠含泪确认伤势

Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant left Friday night's game with a leg injury that could be aruptured Achilles tendon. Bryant will have an MRI on Saturday to determine the exact natureof the injury. Bryant reacted with disappointement on social media. On his Facebook page heposted a lengthy update:


"This is such BS! All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I'vedone millions of times! The frustration is unbearable. The anger is rage. Why the hell did thishappen ?!? Makes no damn sense. Now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the sameplayer Or better at 35?!? How in the world am I supposed to do that?


中文文章翻译成英文 关于科比的文章英文并有中文翻译

"I have NO CLUE. Do I have the consistent will to overcome this thing? Maybe I should breakout the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that was. Maybe this is how my book ends.Maybe Father Time has defeated me." Later he added that called the injury the first step in anew challenge. "One day, the beginning of a new career journey will commence. Today is NOTthat day," he wrote. The post received more than 136,000 likes. If the injury turns out to be aruptured Achilles, it could have long-term effects for Bryant and the Lakers. That injury couldtake up to a year to heal, according to Will Carroll, sports injuries lead writer for BleacherReport. Bryant has previously said that next season could be his last in the NBA. This is the16th season in the league for the 34-year-old.According to a tweet from the Lakers, Bryantcould tell what the injury was before seeing a doctor. "I was just hoping it wasn't what Ithought it was," Bryant said, according to the tweet.

而一向坚强的飞侠在听到这样的检查消息时,也忍不住落泪。从科比自己的反应来看,他也是认定跟腱撕裂,赛后记者曾询问飞侠,“你确信那是跟腱撕裂么?” 而科比的回到是“似的,那个动作我做了很多次,但它就那么发生了,感觉突然裂开了,就是种怪事吧。” 从科比两眼泛出的泪光来看,对于这样的结果,坚强的飞侠也有些难以接受。而赛后科比更衣柜前的双拐,更是对这次受伤的严重性下了定论。

The Lakers have two games left in the regular season, both at home. They face the San AntonioSpurs on Sunday and the Houston Rockets on Wednesday. The team, after beating the GoldenState Warriors 118-116 last night, is one game ahead of the Utah Jazz for the final spot in theNBA's Western Conference playoffs.




Basketball superstar Kobe Bryant stirred up a frenzy on social media. The 19-year NBA veteran posted an update on his Weibo account, or the Chinese version of Twitter, on which he has more than 3 million followers, on June 2:


"It's been a while since I've been on Weibo. I see there's some new web lingo. Can you teach me some? What does "da tie" mean? "


The post immediately drew tens of thousands of comments from Chinese Web users, with some basketball fans trying to explain the catchphrase to the NBA star。


So,how did the Chinese Web users answer it?


Some people explained it very seriously:


Da tie means miss the shot。


Da tie is Chinese. That means if you shot, you can get the voice of duang. It's so cool, right?


Some people also started making fun of Kobe:


Bro, you are the best Iron Man in NBA history。


However,what really moving is that the fans of Kobe explained it with white lie:


Da tie means you are the best player, Mr 30000, the MVP and so many legacies of you。


It means you are great that even you shot but don't get point, you still shot and shot. Because you are the best and I love you, Kobe。




The NBA has been celebrating Kobe Bryant since his announcement last month that he isretiring after this season – his 20th in the league. But former NBA player Stephon Marburysays China's basketball fans would far exceed the adulation Bryant is receiving in the NBA if hewere to wrap up his career in the Chinese Basketball Association.


They love him here. It is a little bit past love. It would be like the biggest thing ever in basketballhere," Marbury told Yahoo Sports in a recent phone interview. "It would be beyond huge.Beyond big. I would definitely encourage it……They love basketball here. You can't control theexcitement.


Marbury and Bryant are the only two members of the storied 1996 NBA draft class – whichincluded Allen Iverson, Ray Allen, Peja Stojakovic, Steve Nash, – who are still playingprofessionally. Bryant regularly takes off-season promotional trips to China and was the mostpopular member of the gold-medal-winning U.S. team at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.


Marbury was a two-time NBA All-Star who played 13 seasons after being selected fourthoverall in 1996. The 38-year-old has found greater success in China, winning three titles sincearriving in 2010.


With games only on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays and no back-to-backs, Marbury believesBryant could be effective playing in China and would enjoy the overall experience. But it isdifferent.


"I try to tell people that it's not easy playing here because you are always on the court playing,"Marbury told Yahoo Sports. "You still got to put the ball in the hole. You still got to succeed.You still have a defense trying to stop you, and they're really trying to stop you because theyknow you are one of the best players.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/235961/136167420.html


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