科比励志故事英文版 励志故事英文版


科比励志故事英文版 励志故事英文版


He is a mute,Although can understand others speech,Cannot say own actually feeling,She is his neighbor,The girl who is bound by a common destiny with the grandmother.

He really looks like an elder brother,Leads her to go to school,Accompanies her to play,Listens to her chirp with a smile grasps the speech.

He only uses the hand signal and she converses,Possible she to be able to read his each look. Gazes at in her vision from elder brother,She knew he has likes oneself.

Afterwards,She finally tests went to college,Extremely happy,He then starts to go all out to make money,Then sends continuously for her. She has not rejected.

Finally,She has graduated,Started the work. Then,she said firmly to him that,“Elder brother,I must marry to you!” He looked like only the frightened rabbit to escape, again is not willing to see her,how regardless of she does entreat.

Do you think i pity you? Do you think i appreciate you? no, i've fallen in love with you since i was 12 。But,She can not obtain his reply.

One day,She has been admitted to the hospital suddenly. He has scared,Runs looks at him. Doctor said,In her throat steadily a lump,Although has excised,Destroyed the vocal cord actually, Possibly again also could not deliver the speech. On hospital bed,Her tearful eyes dance gaze he,Therefore they married.

Very many years,Nobody listens to them to deliver a speech. They use the hand,With pen,Converses with the look, Shares is joyful and is sad. They became have loved the object which the men and women envied. The people said,That pair of how happy mute husbands and wives!

Love could not prevent god of death arrival,He abandoned her to walk first.

The people feared she cannot undergo loses lover's attack to comfort her。By now, She takes back gazes at his portrait after-image the dull crazy vision,Opens the mouth to say suddenly that,“He walked.”

The rumor has revealed ............













Zhuge Liang Pays a Mourning Call

This is a story from Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu, chief commander of Wu, Was talented and proficient in strategies and tactics but was narrow-minded and intolerant of others. He discussed with Zhuge Liang plans to conquer Cao Cao while simultaneously pondering how to murder Zhuge Liang. Zhou Yu had been wounded by a poisonous arrow when he was attacking Nanjun. Zhou's wound burst when he learned that Zhuge Liang had already taken over Nanjun, Jingzhou and Xiangyang. Zhou Yu, with a healing wound, racked his brains for ways to capture Jingzhou. His strategies, however, were all seen through by Zhuge Liang who even sent him a mocking message. Zhou Yu was vexed again. "Since You(the Heaven) made me, Zhou Yu, why did You make Zhuge Liang too?" Zhou Yu grudgingly asked before he took his last breath.

Learning of Zhou Yu's demise, Zhuge Liang decided to go to pay respects. Fearing that Zhuge Liang might be murdered, Liu Bei send Zhao Yun with 500warriors to protect him. Before Zhou Yu's coffin, Zhuge Liang personally offered libation, kneeled on the ground, and read his eulogy. Tears of grief gushed forth from Zhuge Liang. All the generals from Wu were moved. When Lu Su saw Zhuge Liang was in such grievance, he said to himself, "Zhou Liang was narrow-minded and he brought on his own death."




A tail-lost fox

A fox’s tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself, he lost his whole tail except the stump.

At first he was ashamed to see the other foxes because he had no tail, but he was determined to face his misfortune. He called all the foxes to a meeting.

When they had gotten together, the fox said that they should all do away with their tails. He said that their tails were very inconvenient when they met with their enemies. He did not talk about any advantages of the tail.

"You are right," said one of the older foxes, "but I don’t think you would advise us to do away with our tails if you hadn’t lost it yourself first."




一只老狐狸站出来说:“如果你没有失去你的尾巴,你是不会来劝大家都割去尾巴的。 ”

寓意: 有些人为了自己的利益而劝告他人,我们不能轻信他们的意见。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/235661/641468458.html


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科比经典语录中英文 科比经典励志语录

   科比经典励志语录  科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant,1978年8月23日—),美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫。他是NBA第一个高中生后卫,18岁起效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,已帮助球队拿下5次NBA总冠军。他被评为NBA最伟大的得

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  31、作为一个球员,要到球场上去迎接最大的挑战,就是要把全队的人变成像一个人,不断地取得胜利,这也正是我的激情所在。  32、生活中你不能控制任何事情,很多事情你只能看淡它,坚强地面对它,当伤病真的来临时,要有克服它的勇气,不要害

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