简单易学的英文诗歌 简单不绕嘴的英文诗歌



《塞翁失马》 刘安


The Old Man at the Fort from Huainantse

Liu An

There was an old man at a frontier fort in the north who understood Taoism. One day he losthis horse, which wandered into the land of the Hu tribesmen. His neighbors came to condolewith him, and the man said, "How do you know that this is bad luck?"

After a few months, the horse returned with some fine horses of the Hu breed, and the peoplecongratulated him. The old man said, "How do you know that this is good luck?"

He then became very prosperous with so many horses. The son one day broke his legs riding,and all the people came to condole with him again. The old man said, "How do you know thatthis is bad luck?"

One day the Hu tribesmen invaded the frontier fort. All the young men fought with arrows todefend it, and nine tenths of them were killed. Because the son was a cripple, both father andson escaped unharmed.

Therefore, good luck changes into bad, and bad luck changes into good. The workings ofevents are beyond comprehension.


《十七日观潮》 陈师道



Watching the Qiantang Bore on the Seventeenth of the Month

Chen Shidao

Long is the white rainbow running onto the smooth sands;

Some goddess in heaven must have emptied a jade cup by accident.

The azure sky is rocking in the river clear;

A setting sun is tossing in waves violent.


《春日》 秦观



A Spring Day

Qin Guan

Last night soft thunder mixed with myriad streaks of rain;

Now in the sun tiers of glazed tiles are a bright green.

The affectionate peonies are in spring tears

简单易学的英文诗歌 简单不绕嘴的英文诗歌

While the roses lie languishing on the morning twigs.


《惠崇春江晓景》 苏轼



Inscription on Huichong's Painting of a Spring River

Su Shi

Beyond the bamboo grove, several peach trees are in bloom;

The river is warming, which the ducks are first to know.

Beach wormwood is teeming, the asparagus just sprouting,

Ah, the season when globefish are coming upstream!


《秋水·听雨》 纳兰性德



Tune: "Autumn Waters"

Listening to Rain

Na-lan Hsing-te

Who claims one needs wine to dispel grief?

Upon sobering up, my heart becomes intoxicated.

Just then the fragrance dissolves from the kingfisher quilt.

Across the screen, I'm startled to listen:

Drop after drop, threads of rain, mixed with tears.

I recall the time I snuffed out the candles by a dark window,

A light nap, and a dream of loveliness just formed,

Then awakened again and again—

A pair of eyes brimming with tears.

The same as in the old says, amid the buzzing of crickets—

A low lamp glows, then dims;

How can I sleep?

Pondering on my life's footprints several years past

The storm waves higher than my head—

All that I needed was a glance from her beneath blossoms;

To press close to her tall dressed hair before the lamp;

I asked when we could again share together

The taste of night rain on vacant stairs.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/235461/840089231.html


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