会计专业毕业生简历 会计专业毕业生英文简历范文


asic information


Sex: Female

Date of birth :1988-7-16

National: Han

Highest level of education: college

Place of residence are: Hebei - Baoding

Work Experience: fresh graduates

会计专业毕业生简历 会计专业毕业生英文简历范文

到岗Time: any time

Height: 170cm

Blood type: O type

Marital status: unmarried

Job intentions

Employment type: full-time

Position: cashier, accounting, statistics

Candidate industry: open

Look forward to working areas: Baoding

Expectations of a monthly salary: Negotiable

Other Help

While studying at the school has been serving as student leaders, work conscientiously, such as access to 12 scholarships, was named outstanding cadres.

I am willing to endure hardship, are willing to struggle, down-to-earth, work hard. As long as giving me a chance, I will cherish it, do a better job.


I personalized dedication, the courage to face the difficulties and challenges, and good humor, stable and vigorous, others warm and sincere. A serious and responsible work, initiative, able to bear hardships and stand hard. Have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and group spirit of collaboration that can quickly adapt to various environments and the integration of them.

Educational background

2007-7 to 2009-9 Cangzhou Vocational and Technical College

Professional Name: Computerized Accounting

Access to education: college

Job description of school activities: in-school classes during the cadres, organization of classes will be various activities such as schools, access to the teachers and students alike. Etiquette as captain in charge of schools in a variety of reception work. Actively participate in school activities, both in schools and the Department have a wonderful evening performances. Outstanding during the learning in school has won a second-class scholarship.

Awards at school

2006-7 was named 2006 Miyoshi students in Hebei Province

2008-1 M-Zone in the 2007-2008 academic year Cup "harmonious campus," New Year‘s Day get-together by individuals

2008-9 Vocational and Technical College in Cangzhou the level of assessment of training outstanding performance as individuals

09 in 2009-1 harmony in New Year‘s Day evening was the first prize

2009-2 was named outstanding class cadres

Practice in school

Red Star 2009-5 to 2009-7 carton plant

Department: Finance Department

Of their functions: accounting

Practice Description: Through this practical experience, I more clearly the operation of the specific accounting processes, know-line methods and procedures of filing tax returns, and more know how to be a good accounting, these are not in school to learn the knowledge .


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/234461/595219271.html


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