


Todd: OK. Hello!


Kevin: Hi! How you doing?


Todd: I'm doing pretty good.


Kevin: Good.


Todd: What's your name?


Kevin: My name is Kevin.


Todd: Kevin. And where are you from?


Kevin: I'm from Pheonix, Arizona.


Todd: OK. Nice.


Kevin: In the United States.


Todd: Wow, were you born in Pheonix?


Kevin: Actually, no. I was actually born in New York, because my parents happened to be living in New York at that time. My father was a Major League Baseball player, and the year I was born, 1971, he was playing with the Mets in New York City, and my birthday is in May, May 25th, to be precise, and so my mother happened to be with my father in New York cause it was baseball season, so I was actually born in New York, but I grew up in Pheonix. so Phoenix is what I consider to be my home town.


Todd: Wow! That's Amazing! Do you remember anything about New York?


Kevin: Yes, actually, I do have a few memories because we spent probably three years there from the time I was born, obviously, until I was about two and a half or three years, we spent summers, or thebaseball season in, in New York, and we rented a condominium on the second floor, and I remember, it was right across the street from La Guardia Airport, and so of course, when I was a little kid, one, one and two years old, I used to love sitting by the kitchen windows, and I even remember it was a bay window, the kind where you can roll the window open, and I used to roll the window open, and just watch the airplanes take off and land all day.


Todd: Wow! That's cool.


Kevin: And another memory I have is the people, the couple that lived below us was an elderly couple and they acted pretty much like our grandparents, so I actually called them Grandma and Grandpa, and, uh, Grandma Stevenson used to give me a bath in the, in her, in her kitchen sink, cause I was so small, that she would actually give me a bath in her kitchen sink, and I remember that as well.



Todd: Wow, those are good memories.



Todd: OK, Leath, you're from Zimbabwe. Could you talk about that?


Leath: Yeah, OK. Well, I'm from Harare, which is the capital of Zim. And I was born there. My folks are British. My dad is from Manchester and my mom is from Scotland. They went out a long time ago. And, yeah, growing up in Zimbabwe was "lacker" as we say there. That means really cool in Africans. It was like, you grow up in an open free place with animals and sunshine and it's just a really healthy place to be. Well at least it was. Today it's not doing to well because the economy has crashed, but growing up there was really slick.


Todd: Wow! What animals could you see?


Leath: Ah, just about an hours drive out of any city, you are liable to come across just about anything. I've seen leapords often at night about an hour out of the capital where I live. You see monkeys along the road, right up to the city outskirts. In certain areas you'll have to stop for elephants. There's quite a few buck warning signs because they are actually quite dangerous at night. They jump across the road and your cars hit them at windscreen height. It is a bit of a problem. So, there's buck everywhere. And then away from residential areas, there's you know your big five, rhino, lion being the most... well interesting and I guess for foreigners. They are never really never around human settlement cause they are very very dangerous. They do take people from time to time.


Todd: Wow! That's fascinating. Thanks a lot Leath.


Leath: You're welcome buddy! OK.



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