taste的短语 best的短语

best表示最好地; 最出色地; 最高标准地的意思,那么你知道best的短语有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理best的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!

best的短语:make the best of

1.充分利用 use sth to the best of one's ability

If we have not the best conditions, make the best of what we have.假如我们没有最好的条件,那就尽量利用现在的条件吧。

2.尽量好好去做 do sth you do not like to do and not complain; accept with good humor

It's no use complaining about the failure of our experiment; what we should do now is to make the best of a bad job and get ready to start anew.试验失败了,抱怨也无济于事。我们现在应尽最大努力,再重新开始。

at the best of times

即使在最好的情况下 even when circumstances are not most favourable

Finding a house in Beijing is a lottery even at the best of times.即使在情况最好的时候,在北京找房子也是一件毫无把握的事。

at one's best

处于最佳状态; 在全盛时期 in the best state or form

Chaplin was at his best playing the little tramp.卓别林扮演小流浪汉已达登峰造极的境界。

at best

至多,充其量 taking the most hopeful view

Life is short at best.生命再长也是短暂的。

as best as one can

尽最大努力; 尽力而为 not perfectly but as well as one is able to

Do it as best as you can.请尽可能做好它。

He composed himself as best as he could.他竭力使自己冷静下来。

taste的短语 best的短语

1. The best thing to do when entering unknown territory is smile.


2. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.


3. Some companies are cutting costs and hoping for the best.


4. I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend'swife.


5. "All the best," called the other typists in chorus.


6. "Take That" are the best group in the whole world. So there.


7. He might decide that it is best to induce labour.


8. His best friend was killed by police under extremely questionable circumstances.


9. Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get.


10. I'm the best man for the job, I hope.


11. He gave one of his best knockabout performances in a long time.


12. Adjust the aerial's position and direction for the best reception.


13. A waiter mopped up the mess as best he could.


14. They're trying their best to bring together those separated families.


15. "Monopoly" is one of the best-selling games of all time.



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