

Tim Pppppppppprice

1.Tim Pppppppppprice: changed just to make it difficult for telemarketers to pronounce

改名为蒂姆·普普普普普普普普普普莱斯(Tim Pppppppppprice),只是为了让电话推销员很难把它读出来。

Sick of cold-callers, Tim Price has put them off by changing his name to avirtually unpronounceable list of consonants. According to him, it's pronounced "Tim Per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-rice."

厌烦了电话销售员的蒂姆·普莱斯(Tim Price)为了屏蔽他们,便把名字改成实际上一长串不发音的辅音。据他讲,他的新名字读成“Tim Per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-rice.”

The 49-year-old from Leicester hopes his name will make people think twice about contacting him. He said he has no regrets over the name change and will now refer to himself as Tim "10p" Price.

这位来自莱斯特的49岁大叔期望他改的这个名字能让人们在联系他时再多想想。他表示自己并不后悔改名,而且现在会把自己称作Tim "10p" Price.(心疼他,被电话销售员烦成这样不容易。)

Arthur Uther Pendragon

2.King Arthur Uther Pendragon: changed because he believes he is a reincarnation of King Arthur


"I'm the only person in the UK, other than the Queen, who is allowed to wear a crown in their passport picture," says the man formerly known as John Rothwell. He changed his name in 1986 and said even his family no longer call him by his birth name.


Passport control officials always do a double take when they see his name and picture, which shows him wearing a crown.



3. Adam West: changed because it was cheaper than changing his flight booking


In May 2015, 19-year-old Adam Armstrong, a student from Manchester, England, changed his name to "Adam West" because it was cheaper than changing his Ryanair flight booking.


The ticket was booked under the name "Adam West" and the airline wanted to charge him $337 to change it. His girlfriend's stepfather accidentally booked him with that name because that's what he called himself on his Facebook page. "I had put it as Adam West as a jokebecause he was the actor who played Batman on TV," West said.Instead of giving in, Adam changed his name for free to fly with his new name at no charge. However, he did have to pay about $157 to change his passport, which is still cheaper.


Above Knox

4. None of The Above Knox: changed to protest the lack of candidate choices 改名为以上皆非·诺克斯:抗议候选人选择权的丧失。

Luther Divine Knox, a rather colorful politician from Winnsboro, attracted national media attention in 1979 when he legally changed his name to "None of the Above" Knox to protest the lack of candidate choices. Knox claimed that the absence of choices led to the selection of the "lesser of two evils." He proposed that voters be given the "None of the Above" option if they reject the declared candidates for office.


Though he never won an election, Knox forcefully crusaded to include "None of the Above" on ballots to enhance voter choice.



5.StopFortnumAndMasonFoieGrasCruelty.com: changed to raise awareness of foie gras

改名为StopFortnumAndMasonFoieGrasCruelty.com(阻止Fortnum & Mason残忍供应鹅肝网):为提高民众不应吃鹅肝的意识。

As a campaigner for animal rights charity PETA, she changed it from Abi Izzard to StopFortnumAndMasonFoieGrasCruelty.com in August to do her bit to raise awareness of the force feeding of geese to produce foie gras. She refuses to change her name back until London department store Fortnum & Mason stops selling it.

作为动物权益慈善组织PETA(人道对待动物组织)的一名活动发起者,Abi Izzard在今年8月将名字改为StopFortnumAndMasonFoieGrasCruelty.com,想出自己的一份力来让民众意识到,有人为了生产肥鹅肝,给鹅喂食。她拒绝把名字改回,直到Fortnum & Mason的伦敦百货商场不再销售鹅肝。

“I've never been embarrassed or regretted my new name. It's Fortnum & Mason that should be embarrassed and ashamed to be [en]peddling

a product so cruel that it's illegal to produce it in the UK," said the young girl.[/en]

这名年轻的女孩表示:“我从没有为我这个新名字感到尴尬或是后悔,反倒应是Fortnum & Mason该为其兜售如此残忍的一件产品而尴尬羞愧,要知道在英国销售鹅肝是非法行为。”

注:Fortnum & Mason是伦敦历史最悠久的老牌百货商场之一,从1707年至今,就一直为英国皇室提供食品,并获得皇室颁发保证书,号称“英国女王的杂货店”。

Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop

6.Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop: changed to reflect the infinite love in the universe

改名为Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop:为反映宇宙中无限的爱。

It took Jeffrey Wilschke a while to save $300 to change his name, but he accomplished it on Nov. 28, 2011 — he's now known as Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop.

Jeffrey Wilschke只要一小会便能更名改姓,节省300美元,但他在2011年11月28日才成功改名,如今他名为Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop。

In an interview, Beezow said his first name represents "the explosion of awareness of the interconnectedness of the infinite love in the universe."


Doo-doo "is the struggle of our daily lives with that awareness, which with love comes chaos."


Finally, Zopittybop-bop-bop "is the outcome of that struggle, which is often ironic, especially because all life ends in death."


He was arrested several times for possessing marijuana and other charges.


Emperor Spiderman Gandalf Wolverine Skywalker Optimus Prime Goku Sonic Xavier Ryu Cloud Superman Heman Batman Thrash

7. Emperor Spiderman Gandalf Wolverine Skywalker Optimus Prime Goku Sonic Xavier Ryu Cloud Superman Heman Batman Thrash: changed to "become" a superhero

改名为Emperor Spiderman Gandalf Wolverine Skywalker Optimus Prime Goku Sonic Xavier Ryu Cloud Superman Heman Batman Thrash:变身超级英雄。

In 2013, a then 23-year-old Daniel Knox-Hewson from the UK changed his legal name to "Emperor Spiderman Gandalf Wolverine Skywalker Optimus Prime Goku Sonic Xavier Ryu Cloud Superman Heman Batman Thrash.

"2013年还是23岁的英国小伙丹尼尔·诺克斯-休森把他的法定姓名更改为“Emperor Spiderman Gandalf Wolverine Skywalker Optimus Prime Goku Sonic Xavier Ryu Cloud Superman Heman Batman Thrash”。

He did it along with a friend, Kelvin Borbidge, who's now known as Baron Venom Balrog Sabretooth Vader Megatron Vegeta Robotnik Magneto Bison Sephiroth Lex Luthor Skeletor Joker Grind.

当时和他一同这么做的是名叫Kelvin Borbidge的朋友,而这人如今的名字是Baron Venom Balrog Sabretooth Vader Megatron Vegeta Robotnik Magneto Bison Sephiroth Lex Luthor Skeletor Joker Grind。

When asked why they did it, Daniel said: "we decided to change our namesbecause we were bored of our day-to-day lives and wanted to do something that reflected our true personalities. We couldn't believe how easy it was to do, we just had to fill in a few forms and we were granted superhero status."


Rebel Wolf

8. The artist formerly known as Tracie Koziura changed her name to "Rebel Wolf." The reason behind her name change 18 months ago is simple: "I love wolves," she says.

这位之前名叫Tracie Koziura的艺术家改名为叛逆狼(Rebel Wolf)。她18个月前改名的原因很简单——她说:“我喜欢狼。

"Rebel Wolf suits me more than my birth name. It feels right. I was always a bit of a rebel as a teenager and have been fascinated by wolves since I can remember. People who know me well still call me Tracie and that's the name I go by for business purposes."

“叛逆狼(Rebel Wolf)比我的本名还要适合我。它听上去不错。在青少年时期我总是有那么点叛逆,而且从我记事时开始,我便为狼深深吸引。十分了解我的人仍然叫我Tracie。Tracie是我用作商业用途的名字。”

Ralph Lifshitz


9. Fashion designer Ralph Lauren's original name is actually Ralph Lifshitz.


When asked by Oprah where did the name Lauren come from, Ralph explained: "My given name has the word shit in it. When I was a kid, the other kids would make a lot of fun of me."



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