英语手抄报travelling 关于旅游的英语手抄报



Last summer holiday, I went to Hainan with my family. The weather was terrific! The sky was blue more than I could describe, the sea was blue and bright more than I could believe. Walking by the sea is just like being in the oil painting! We sailed to an island called Xiao. I swam there. Swimming is the sea is quite different from that in a pool. Because the depth is various all the time.

Maybe the water can't afford you this minute, and then it will flow over your head! Bedsides the swimming, we also had a good meal there. We had a nice seafood dish. I forgot the name of that conch, but I bought back the shell. I f you want to have a look, you may ask me. Or, we may go to Hainan together, for I am always hoping to come to that place again. I really like that place, a place of blue and brightness.


This summer vacation, I went to Beijing.

It was a very great city!

We went to the Great Wall first. Like its name, it was very great. We can see many mountains around.

Then we went to visit Tian'an Men Square. It was also fantastic.

We lived in a small house in a Beijing Hutung, it was a traditional Beijing building called 'four-section compound'.

I enjoyed myself a lot.

英语手抄报travelling 关于旅游的英语手抄报


Nowadays, more and more people prefer to travel quite often. By traveling, we not only can relax ourselves but also broaden our knowledge circles. From my aspect, I think we can make many friends and travel with them.

Firstly, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax ourselves. For modern life, we are busy with our work with high pressure. However, when we travel, we will be attracted by great landscape and forget pressure from both work and life.

Secondly, we can make friends by traveling. For most travelers, they tend to find many companions to travel with. If you check the internet, you will find that some people will call others to join them for travel. Through this kind of travel, we can meet many different people and make friends with them to broaden our social circle.

Thirdly, we can learn much knowledge form travel. Before you go to somewhere to travel, generally, you need to make plans for your travel. You can find lots of things you don’t know when you make a plan, such as, the origin of a certain area, the customs of different areas, local food and so on.

In conclusion, we can not only relax ourselves and make new friends but at the same time we can learn much from travel.

关于旅游的英语手抄报资料:My Dream to Travel

I have learned English for many years, as I learn more knowledge about the English, I become more and more passionate to have a look at the world. When I was small, I knew nothing about the world, I believe the place I lived around was the whole world, then I came to middle school, I realized the world become more and more bigger, but how big it was, I had no idea. As I came to high school, I learn more about the world, There are all kinds of cultures in western countries. I am so interested in the culture, I want to go to these places and talk to the local people. This is my dream, I believe I can realize my dream, since the traffic is so convenient. I must study hard and earn money, so I can make my dream come true.




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