

Rule One: Be A Woman, Not A Girl

In Persuasion, Austen shows us the womanly fortitude of Anne Elliot is far superior to the girlish shenanigans of Louisa Musgrove. Louisa's flirtation with Captain Wentworth does not work, either to win his heart or to keep her dignity.





Anne, by contrast, follows her own much more noble course and, in doing so, gives a lesson to us all. We should put away those childish tricks and conduct ourselves as an equal to our man.


Rule Two: Find A Man, Not A Guy


There is a particular kind of creature who looks like a man on first encounter but who is, in fact, a very different species. Jane Austen would have called this creature a 'puppy' or a 'coxcomb'; we would likely refer to him as a guy.


But however we choose to name him, we should always take care to avoid him!


Rule Three: Listen to What They Say


Pride and Prejudice begins with one of the most famous lines in English literature - 'It is a truth universally acknowledged that a young man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife.'


Indeed he is! It seems that women like Mrs Bennet - and like your mother and mine - do know a thing or two after all! Time-tested rules are never secret, rather, they are universally acknowledged.



It is a truth universally acknowledged that everywoman is in search of her own Mr Darcy, but oneauthor claims to have unearthed the original manwho inspired Jane Austen's romantic hero.

Dr Susan Law says she has uncovered documents and letters which prove that the characterof Fitzwilliam Darcy was inspired by John Parker, the 1st Earl of Morley.



Like Mr Darcy, Parker was 'tall, dark and brooding' and also became embroiled in a sex scandalafter it was discovered that his first wife had been unfaithful to him.


Dr Law says the new evidence shows that that Austen stayed at the Earl's country homeSaltram House in Plymouth, Devon, in the early 1800s when Pride and Prejudice was written.


A series of letters also show that Austen was also good friends with Parker's second wife,Frances Talbot, who was herself a known author, and that the two often exchanged writing.



In fact, shortly after Pride and Prejudice first appeared anonymously, Dr Law says it wasbelieved that Frances was the author, as the character of Mr Darcy fit her husband's profile soclosely.


Dr Law, 52, an author and historian from Knielworth, Warwickshire, said: 'The physicalsimilarities in them are obvious but there is also so much evidence to suggest the Earl was MrDarcy.


'When Jane Austin published her two novels Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, shedid so anonymously.


'The Earl's second wife Francis, who was well known in literally circles, was widely thought to bethe author of those novels.


'The Earl was tall, dark, handsome and slightly brooding. There is a picture of him in 1805image in his militia uniform and another in the library. He looks very intense.'


The Earl himself became mired in scandal after it was revealed that he had fathered threeillegitimate children with his married mistress, leading his first wife, Lady Augusta Fane, toelope with a family friend before the two divorced in 1809.


It was already thought that the Earl's messy love-life likely provided the inspiration forMansfield Park, but Dr Law now believes he likely inspired Mr Darcy as well.


Dr Law says she spent five years travelling the country unearthing old newspaper cuttings,diary entries, letters and other documents to prove Parker was Austen's inspiration.


She added: 'We don't have the concrete evidence but I have discovered there were a lot ofrumours about at the time and it is a convincing argument.


'There is a massive intriguing web around it. It is clear that Jane Austen had very close linkswith the family. She sent Francis one of the first editions of Emma - when she only had 12printed.


'Jane Austin's brother Henry was also a university friend of the Earl of Morley. They werecontemporaries and he then become a banker to his regiment and later the domestic chaplainto the Earl of Morley's family.


'We know how close Jane Austen and Francis were. She never came out and said 'your husbandwas Mr Darcy' - so we can not say that 100 per cent.


'It can be very frustrating and it is like trying to piece together a jigsaw. It has beenfascinating and I have been longing to find that cast iron bit of evidence.


'But after spending so long on it, I am pretty convinced.'



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