如何写英语邮件 如何写好英语邮件


1. Start With an Appropriate Salutation


Some people jump straight into the text of an email without so much as a “hi”. It’s polite toadd a salutation, just as you would with a letter. That might look like:[qh]


#Dear Sir/Madam 亲爱的先生/女士

#Dear Mr. Johnson 亲爱的约翰逊先生

如何写英语邮件 如何写好英语邮件

#Hi Sue 苏,你好

#Hello Fred 你好,福瑞德

Your salutation needs to be appropriate. If you’re writing to a prospective employer, “Dear Mr. Johnson” is probably the best way to go. “Hi Bob” is going to look unprofessional.


But don’t assume that formality is always the right answer. If you’re writing to a friend ofa friend, using “Dear” plus their surname is going to seem oddly stilted.


If in doubt, “Dear [first name]” will usually work just fine.


2. Get Straight to the Point


Your correspondent won’t want to wade through paragraphs of waffle – so get straight tothe point. If you’re writing to someone out of the blue, don’t give them your life story beforeyou make a request.


Getting straight to the point might mean that the first line of your email (after thesalutation) looks something like this:


#I’m working on an article about Acme Widgets for XYZ publication, and wondered if youhad a few minutes to answer the following three questions.


#Could you supply me with a quote for the following project?


#I’d like to discuss the revisions with you. Would Tuesday at 2pm be a good time?


#I’ve attached the documents you requested at our meeting yesterday.


You may well need to include more details, but if you put the important point up front, youremail is more likely to get a timely response. If your question comes too far down, therecipient may not even realise that you need a reply.


3. Keep it Short


Try to keep your email as short as possible. Make the paragraphs short, too – longparagraphs can be difficult to read and take in.


Do make sure you give enough information for your correspondent to be able to make adecision, if that’s required. You might find that it’s best to offer this as an attachment – you’llhave more flexibility over formatting, and your correspondent can print out the attachmenteasily.


4. Use Numbered Points


If you’ve got several questions or points to make, it’s very helpful to number them. Thismakes it easy for the other person to respond to each one, especially if some just require ayes/no response or a single word answer. For instance:


#Could you let me know:


#1. How much it would cost for the website design

1. 网站设计费用

#2. How much for the website design plus a tri-fold brochure

2. 网页设计加一份三页宣传册的费用

#3. Whether you could complete #2 by the end of April

3. 您能否在四月底完成第二点所述工作?

It’s also useful to list your questions or points as bullets in this way; if you write a singleparagraph, some of your questions might get missed.


5. Re-read and Use Spell-Check


A typo or spelling mistake can turn one word into an entirely different one. If you’re usingemail in a professional capacity, that mistake could be embarrassing – or even offensive. Itmight alter the whole meaning of your email: a missing “not”, for instance, could potentiallycause problems.


Spell-check should help you avoid any silly mistakes – but use your eyes and brain too.There are plenty of words that spell-check won’t pick up. If you’re emailing from a device withpredictive text and an auto-correct feature, make sure you always re-read what you’ve typed.


6. Make Your Signature Useful


Do you have an email signature? (That’s the text that appears automatically at thebottom of your email.) Some people don’t use one at all; others have a funny quote or favoritesaying.


Whether you’re using email for professional or personal reasons, make your signatureuseful for both you and your recipient. That might mean:


Giving the link to your website


Including your work address and/or phone number


Adding links to your social media accounts


Putting in a line to promote your recent book / blog / product


If your email provider allows it, you may even want to create several signatures to use fordifferent purposes (e.g. one for emailing friends, one for new business contacts)。


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