英语笑话故事短文 英语笑话带翻译短文故事阅读


英语笑话带翻译短文故事:I am Peas

Access to a reporter to go to the North Pole 100 penguins. He asked the first penguins to his usual interest is. The first penguin says: eat, sleep, play Peas. Puzzled reporter asked to say what is playing Peas ah? Bird Penguin said nothing and left.

一位记者要去北极访问100只企鹅.。他就问第一只企鹅他平时的兴趣是什么。第一只企鹅说:吃饭、睡觉、打豆豆。 记者疑惑的问说什么是打豆豆啊?那只企鹅没说什么就走了。

The reporter thought: Well, do not speak do not speak. He also visited the second penguins usually interested in what it is. The second penguin says: eat, sleep, play Peas. Pound, how is playing? Reporters and thinking to himself.


英语笑话故事短文 英语笑话带翻译短文故事阅读

One after another from access to the first 99 penguins to their usual interest in penguins are “eating, sleeping, playing Peas.” Until the 100 penguins. He said you asked the usual interests? 100 penguins: eat, sleep. Journalists find it very strange and asked it: “how do you do not play Peas?” 100 penguins: “Because I’m Peas ah.”

接二连三的从访问第一只企鹅到第99只企鹅它们平时的兴 趣都是“吃饭、睡觉、打豆豆”。直到第100只企鹅。记者问他说你平时的兴趣是什么? 第100只企鹅:吃饭、睡觉。 记者觉得很奇怪,便问它:“你怎么不打豆豆呢?” 第100只企鹅:“因为我就是豆豆啊。”


If you are alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder.If you want ahug, I'll be your pillow.


If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. If you need money...wait for your salary.



A little old lady goes to the doctor ... and says, "Doctor, I have this problem with gas, but itdoesn't really bother me too much. They never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact,I've farted(放屁) at least 20 times since I've been here in your office. You didn't know I wasfarting because they don't smell and are silent."


The doctor says, "I see. Here's a prescription. Take these pills 3 times a day for seven daysand come back to see me next week."The next week the lady goes back.


"Doctor," she says, "I don't know what the hell you gave me, but now my farts ... although stillsilent... stink terribly."The doctor says, "Good! Now that we've cleared up your sinuses(鼻窦) ,let's start working on your hearing."



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/231561/739427404.html


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