英语简短对话 简短的英语口语对话



W: Hello, this is 57356475.

M: Hello, this is John. I wanna speak to Linda, please.

W: This is Linda.

M: Hi, Linda. I want to invite you to a dinner tomorrow evening.

W: Really? What time and which restaurant?

M: At 7:30pm, Longding Chinese restaurant.And I'll go to your home and pick you up at 7:00.

W: Ok, I'll wait for you at 7:00pm at home. Anything else?

M: No, have a nice day!

W: Thank you. Bye.

M: See you.


A: Hello, 35..

S: Is this Ann?

A: Speaking.

S: Ann, this is Sam. Look, Ann. I wanna see you again. How about a drink tonight?

A: I am sorry. I am very tired. I'm going to bed early.

S: What about tomorrow evening?

A: No, I’m sorry. I'm going to meet some friends tomorrow evening. And I'm in a hurry now. Goodbye.

S: But Ann..


M: Operator! Operator!

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I was talking to a party. We were disconnected.

W: I'm sorry, sir. Just hold the line, please. Now the line is connected. Go ahead please.

M: Thank you.


D: Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm doctor Hawkins. Why are you here today?

S: I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up.

D: Yes, well, You haven't had one for 5 years. You should have one every year.

S: I know. I figure as long as there is nothing worng, why go see the doctor?

D: Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So try to come at least once a year for your own good.

S: Ok.

D: Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr.Smith?

S: Yes.

D: Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease, you know. You really should quit.

S: I've tried hundreds of times, but I just can't seem to kick the habbit.

D: Well, we have classes and some medications that might help. I'll give you more information before you leave.

英语简短对话 简短的英语口语对话

S: Ok, thanks doctor.


W: Hello, Doctor.

D: Well, What seems to be the trouble, Mr. Williams?

W: It's nothing serious actually, doctor. It’s … Well, I get tired very easily recently, and I often doze off during meetings, office hours and sometimes even while I'm dining.

D: How long has this been going on?

W: About two months. I didn't pay much attention to it in the beginning, but you see, I got fired this morning. I dozed off while we were having an important meeting, right in front of the boss. I was very embarrassed.

D: How was your appetite?

W: Pretty good, I'd say.

D: You haven't lost any weight, have you?

W: No, doctor. I've actually put on two pounds.

D: Unbotton your shirt, please.

W: Well, doctor?

D: You'll have to have some laboratory examinatios to know for sure.

W: What examinations?

D: A blood test and uring test. You can come back next week, say 4 pm to see the results.



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