二人英语对话3分钟 二人英语口语对话



A: so, tell me about you new house. How is it different to your old one?

B: well, first of all, it’s much bigger. It has the same number of rooms, but each room is larger. We also have a larger garden, which our dog loves, of course!

二人英语对话3分钟 二人英语口语对话

A: so, it’s a three-bedrooms detached house?

B: yes. One bedroom is for my wife and i. there’s another for our daughter. My wife wants to use the third one as a guest room, but I’d like to make it into a study. Our daughter is also keen on making it a study, so that’s probably what will happen.

A: what’s the kitchen like? I know both you and your wife like to cook.

B: that’s one of the main reason we chose that particular house. The kitchen and dining room are together. It’s really large.

A: are the rooms nice and bright?

B: yes, they are. That’s very important to us. We like to live in a home with plenty of natural light. Each room has large windows.

A: do you have a balcony?

B: no, we don’t. we wish we had one. That’s the only thing we wanted, but don’t have. The area is very nice and the neighbours seem friendly.

A: you’re right on the edge of the city, aren’t you? There can’t be much noise or traffic there. Is it easy to get into city centre?

B: it’s a very quiet neighbourhood. There’s some traffic, but not much. It’s not very difficult to get to the city centre, but you must remember to turn left and right at the right places or you’ll get lost. So when are you going to drop by?


A: Good morning. I’m thinking about buying some new furniture for my living room. Could you help me?

B: Certainly. As you can see, we have several three-piece suites on sale. Feel free to sit down and test how comfortable they are.

A: I came to your store yesterday and have come back today to make a final decision. I think I like the black leather suite. It’s on a real bargain.

B: Yes. The price has been reduced by 50%. It’s a real bargain.

A: I’ll take it. I also need to improve the lighting in my living room. Do you have any suggestions?

B: Those floor lamps are very nice and you can vary the brightness according to whether you’re reading or watching tv. How big is your living room?

A: It’s quite large. It’s about 40 square meters.

B: I’d suggest you buy two. That allows you to change the brightness of the room better.

A: OK. I like the design of this lamps. I also need some cushion covers. I’ll just browse through those ones over there.


A: hello, james. Come in . go through to the living room.

B: hi kate…thanks…wow! Look at all the furniture. You must spent a fortune on it! I love your new three-pieces suite.

A: I told you that I had been saving up money to buy some new furniture and do some redecorating. I finally saved enough and did everything at once.

B: good for you! You’ve got new curtains too. That’s a very nice shade of blue. This sofa is very comfortable. I could sit on it all day!

A: do you like my carpet? Be honest! Tell me what you really think.

B: to be honest, it looks like your old carpet. Is it really new or did you just have your old cleaned?

A: well spotted! I actually had it cleaned twice, because it was so dirty. The rug is new. You remember my trip to china? Well, I bought is there.

B: I love the design. I’ve heard that the actual cost of rugs in china is less than the cost of sending it home.

A: that’s true. I bought a second bookcase too.

b; that was a good idea. Before, you had books and magazines all over the room. It looks very untidy. I see you have also put two shelves up for you ornaments. You haven’t bought a new tv though.

A: I don’t watch much tv nowadays. I’m so busy with other things.

B; like buying furniture and redecorating! Good for you! Your living room looks much brighter and tidier than before. Have you ever thought of becoming an interior designer?


A: can you give me a hand with some things in the kitchen? I don’t think I can finish everything in time.

B: ok, what do you want me to do?

A: first of all, I need you to do the drying up. I’m almost finished the washing up. I’m going to clean the cooker when I finish.

B: ok. I’ll put the plates and cutlery away as I dry them. Where is the tea towel? Oh, here it is.

A; we’ll have this finished in no time with two if us working on it.

B: while you’re cleaning the cooker, I’ll wipe the worktop. That was a great meat, by the way.

A; actually, it was just some leftovers from yesterday. I made far too much food to eat alone. I am glad you could come over to help me finish it.

B: my pleasure! This tea towel’s a little ragged. Do you have another one?

A: yes. Look in that drawer. I should throw the old one out.

B: keep it and use it as rag. You can clean your bicycle with it.


A: so, what’s new in the kitchen? That refrigerator is new, isn’t it?

B: yes. I needed a large one. Before, I had a separate refrigerator and freezer, but this has both combined into one.

A: That’s usual nowadays. You’ve added a few shelves too.

B: yes. You know I’ve been cooking more kind of food recently and I needed some extra space for spices and ingredients.

A: Did you buy new cupboards too?

B: no, I didn’t. I gave them a really good clean, so they just look new. The worktop was in poor condition, so I had a new one added.

A: I see that you have bought several new pots and pans and utensils.

B; yes, I have. I need them to help me with these new dished I’m trying to make. I need a little more practice before I invite guests over.

A: looking at the spice rack, I’d say you’ve been learning how to make asian food.

B; yes. I’ve always likes Indian and thai food, so I’ve been trying to make dishes from those countries. I’m pretty good at making curries now, but I still need practice at making thai food.

A: both kinds of food are becoming popular. Nowadays, it’s very easy to pick up the ingredients at the supermarket.

B: I hope you can stay for dinner. I need a guinea pig!



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/230961/214276361.html


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