五年级英语故事短文 关于五年级英语故事短文带翻译

五年级英语故事短文 关于五年级英语故事短文带翻译



When I was five years old, my cousin Tiffany and I found a lighter. We were playing with it in the bathroom when the toilet paper caught on fire. We couldn't get out of the bathroom and we were scared.


Tiffany managed to escape from the window but I was trapped inside. I passed out and woke up as my older brother was pulling me from the blazing fire in the bathroom. Both my cousin's body and mine were coverd with burns. It took many painful months for my body to heal but I got through it.


I remeber the staff at the children's hospital being terrific and very helpful with my family. They taught us how to deal with the trauma and taught me that my life will go on as normal.


It was their encouragement and support that give me the confidence to live my life as a normal girl. My body may look deformed to others but I don't even notice it anymore. it is just a part of who I am.



To make a good idea work, you need to bepersistence. I learned this lesson through someoneelse, Thomas Edison. In 1878, the public becamevery excited when Edison announced he was goingto have a small electric light working in just a fewweeks. His reputation for success led everyone tobe very hopeful.


A month passed and he still couldn't make a light work for more than a few seconds. He hiredphysics expert named Francis Upton to help him. Months and months passed and thousands ofdifferent materials were tested, but nothing worked.


A year later, one of the men working on the projest began researching carbon. This wasbreakthrough they had been waiting for. The carbon thread stayed lit for forty hours andgave Ediaon and his team the confidence they needed.


When I think of Edison and the trials he went through inventing one of the most importantforms of technology we have today, I remember that no one succeeds without failure and theability to push on.



Charity Bremner was known amongst her friends ashaving an eye for fashion. She just seemed to knowwhat colors and farics matched and what didn't.


One could always find her scribbling down fashionideas in her notebook or see her doodling outfits onnapkins. She spent her free time sewing her owndesign and altering the clothes in her closet.


Friends saw Charity's talent and urged her to attend fashion school. She began a two-yearfashion program and did very well at it. Each year, students who graduate from the two-yearprogram hold a fashion show. The students are always nervous about their graduation showbecause many important people from the fashion industry are in attendence.


When it was time for Charity's models to go on stage, she was shaking like a leaf,"What if noone likes my ideas?"she thought. For Charity, scribbling her ideas down in a book seemed sosafe compared to this.


Charity didn't have to worry for long. A small company loved her stuff and asked her to be adesigner on their team. Charity was a success!



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/230861/360425881.html


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