ashamed 羞愧(Ashamed)

ashamed 羞愧(Ashamed)

One day,I saw a girl riding along the street. Suddenly,she knocked down an old woman. Instead of helping her up, the girl blamed her for the accident. Then'she rode away. A moment later.

she found her shoes on the backseat missing, and hurried back to the spot. To her surprise, she saw the old woman waiting for her. The girl felt really ashamed when the old woman handed the shoes to her. I think that we shouldn't do as the girl did to the old woman. Everybody should be kind to each other.


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女小偷被扒衣服露出奶,羞愧难当 岳父真难当



1.后沙月光:大V老榕被告上法庭,让谁羞愧?  亚当·斯密在《国富论》上卷中曾说过:“在马可波罗时代以前,中国财富,就已经达到该国法律制度所允许之极限。”如果亚当·斯密活到今天,他应当加一句:中国网络大V言论,也已经达到该国法律制度所允

关于羞愧感 面对夜莺感到羞愧


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