


Han Meimei and John meet on Sunday, and they are talking about John’s Saturday.

H: How is your Saturday?


J: Fabulous! You can go with me next time. I can introduce new friends to you.


H: Thank you, I’d like to make more friends, but I don't believe in religion.


J: Don’t forget I’m a Christian,Han Meimei.


H: Oh, John. I,m sorry. I intended no offense.


J: I know. I was kidding. I know China is quite different from America. Most of you people',event)">Han people have no faith in religion.


H: Things are different now. Believe or not, now more and more Chinese people begin to believe in Christianity,


J: Really? Unfortunately the United States is now in a crisis of faith.


H: Why?


J: More and more American people, especially intellectuals?, don’t know how to cope with the relationship between science and religion,and give up having faith in religion.

J:越来越多的美国人,尤其是知识分子,不知道如 何处理科学和宗教的关系从而放弃了宗教信仰。

H: That’s my doubt as well.


J: Take Harvard University as an example. There has been great disagreements over religious teaching. Most of its faculty believe that the primary goal of a Harvard education is the pursuit of truth through rational inquiry, and that religion has no place in that,

J:拿哈佛大学来说,对于宗教教学的不同意见有很 多,大部分老师认为哈佛教育的首要目的是追求 真理,这主要靠理性探究,不关宗教的事。

H: I remember you said that Harvard was initially founded by Puritans. It seems that religion was very important to Harvard.

H:我记得你说过哈佛最初是由清敎徒创建的,好像 宗教对哈佛来说很重要啊。

J: That referred to the early history of Harvard University. The University gradually freed itself from Church control after nearly 200 years’ war between science and religion.

J:那指的是哈佛大学的早期历史。经过近200年科 学与宗教之间的战争,哈佛逐渐摆脱了教会的束缚。

H: I think it’s good for a university to be independent of any external control. Only in this way can it pursue academic freedom and make such great achievements now.

K:我倒认为一所大学能不受任何外界控制兩它来说是好事。只有这样它才能追求学 术自由,并取得现在这样大的成就。

J: I’m not saying that Harvard should be controlled by the Church, but that it has gone from one extreme to another.


H: Which extreme?


J: At first, it was totally religious. Now, it is totally secular?.


H: Doesn’t it have Divinity School?


J: Yes, but the School is half a mile away from Harvard Yard, which implies that it is isolated


H: John, you are too sensitive.


J: Am I? You know most professors who teach religion generally belong to other

departments, for example anthropology, and don’t have their own department.

J:我有吗?要知道大多数教宗教的教授都是其他系的,比如人类学系,没有属于自 己的系。

H: John, don’t hit the ceiling.


J: Students with more than a passing interest in religion are appointed to the Divinity School. And when the subject of religion comes up, the scholars on the Faculty of Arts and Sciences sniff at its seriousness.

J:那些对宗教不仅仅是一时感兴趣的学生都给送到了神学院。当有关宗教的问题出 现时,文理学院的学者们都不屑一顾,不认真对待宗教问题。

H: I finally figure out why you,re angry. Actually you’re worrying about your future. You don’t know what to do if you go to Harvard because you love both science and Christianity. Right?

H:我终于搞清楚你为什么生气了。实际上你在担心自己的将来吧,因为你既热爱科 学也热爱宗教,所以如果你上哈佛的话,不知道该怎么做。

J: You hit the nail on the head.


H: Well, it’s a tricky? issue. I'm afraid our hands are tied.



J: Fortunately, some people have cried out for more attention to the study of religion.


H: It seems that the war between science and religion will go on, although science seems to be in the dominant position at Harvard now.


J: I just hope that the two don’t repel.


H: Well, let things take their course.


J: Ok, forget it. Let’s walk around.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/230761/374362138.html


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原文地址:哈佛校园里的朱元晨(转)作者:王灿明 哈佛校园里的朱元晨 我原本不知道朱元晨,因为修改海燕的文章,偶然查到他的资料,惊叹于中国的这个奇才。他1985年生于上海,15岁 托福考了670分,17岁GRE考了2360分,2002年12月被哈佛大学本科学院

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