七年级下英语作文范文 七年级下英语作文题目



狗狗们的故事 The Dogs’ Stories

We are always educated that animals are our friends and we should protect them. Most families have kept dogs as their pets, some moving stories often happen between these lovely dogs and their owners. The famous movie Hachi tells about a dog spends a lifetime to wait for his master, who had died of heart attack. Recently, it has been reported that a little girl was saved from the earthquake because of her dog’s protection. Dogs are our loyal friends and they deserve our respect. Some people kill dogs and enjoy eating the dog meat, they have been criticized strongly. Protecting animals is saving our human being, the balanced of nature won’t be broken.



鲍勃迪伦获得诺贝尔奖 Bob Dylan Won Nobel

I like to listen to English songs so much, since I studied English, I keep watching movies and listening to English songs all the time, especially the songs helps me to learn the new words and cultivate my interest. Bob Dylan is one of my favorite singers, I like the songs he wrote, the words are very meaningful, he is more like a poet than a composer. The exciting news came that this great composer and singer won the Nobel Prize in literature, this was the first time for the singer to win. The fans were crazy about their idols and they celebrated it. A Nobel Prize is the great award to Bob Dylan’s talent.


七年级下英语作文范文 七年级下英语作文题目


新的市中心 The New Downtown

There is a new downtown that just finished being built. In the opening ceremony, a lot of people came to visit because of the great discount. My friends and I also joined the team, we were attracted by the living atmosphere. We watched the show in front of the big supermarket. Then there came the surprise, a singer who was a little famous singing in the show, most young people knew him from the live show in TV. They couldn’t help yelling, this is was the first time for me to see the star face to face. It worthed all at the moment, I felt so lucky to come to see this show.



保持饥饿,保持愚蠢 Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

The former CEO of Apple company is Steve Jobs, though he died many years ago, his lengend is still going on. His classic speech which was delivered at Stanford University inspired the young generation to move on. He pointed out that the young people should always stay hungry, stay foolish, which meant that people should never get satisfied and be curious about things, so that they would have the motivation to keep searching. Steve never graduated from a college, he quit school and then focused his attention on the computer. He made it and started his own company. Later he got fired and he turned to create the animation studio, which later saved the Apple company. Stay hungry, stay foolish helped Steve to be successful.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/230561/595547466.html


关于英语的作文 七年级上英语作文范文

经常写日记,慢慢就会摸到了写七年级英语作文的窍门。小编整理了关于七年级上英语作文,希望对大家有帮助!七年级上英语作文篇一An English Class We got the news before the English class that some foreign teachers from a middl

七年级英语上册作文 七年级下册英语作文范文

七年级的英语作文要求较高,同学们可以准备哪些作文范文参考呢?下面是小编为大家带来的关于七年级下册英语作文范文,希望会给大家带来帮助。七年级下册英语作文范文(一)描写朋友、自己或家人的喜好I have a good friend, his name i

八年级下英语作文20篇 八年级下英语作文


八年级英语作文题目 八年级下英语作文题目

要写好八年级英语作文,只有下功夫多读多练,小编整理了关于八年级下英语作文题目,希望对大家有帮助!八年级下英语作文题目篇一以“My Beautiful Dream”为题用英语写一篇短文,词数在60左右。My Beautiful DreamLast night I had a be

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