副总经理英文缩写 副总经理的英文缩写是什么




副总经理:Deputy General Manager ###缩写 DGM


Deputy(a. 代理的,副的) General Manager,

vice(副,次) president(也有此意“副总裁”“副总经理”)

vice general manager


1. The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors. 下一批经理人包括副总经理和董事会董事。

2. He is the vice - president in charge of sales. 他是负责销售的副总经理.

3. When the president of the company retired, the vice - president was elevatedto his position. 该公司的总经理退休时, 副总经理被提升为总经理.

4. Huashun's Vice President in charge of building a new plant for bulldozers. 她是华顺公司负责修建一座推土机厂的副总经理.

5. The vice president of marketing has handed in his letter of resignation. 负责营销的副总经理已经递交了辞呈.

6. Shanxi Coal Group vice president of SU Qing government attended the forum. 晋煤集团副总经理苏清政出席座谈会.

7. Typical officers include president, vice - president, secretary, and treasurer (or comptroller ). 主要的高级职员通常包括:总经理 、 副总经理 、 秘书 、 财务主管 ( 或审计员 ).

8. Vice - presidents normally possess no authority by virtue of their office. 副总经理根据他们的职务,通常没有具体的权力.

9. Filter and screen incoming calls, visitors, and document for DGM. 过滤及接听电话,接待来访者及处理副总经理的文件.

10. Zhong Jian , deputy general manager of the East, said gas network. 东方油气网副总经理钟健说.


首席执行官【CEO】:Chief Executive Officer

首席财务官【CFO】:Chief Financial Officer

首席运营官【COO】:Chief Operated Officer

首席技术官【CTO】:Chief Technology Officer

首席信息官【CIO】:Chief Information Officer

首席风险官【CRO】:Chief Risk Officer

艺术总监 【CAO】:chief Artistic officer

首席品牌官【CBO】:chief brand officer

首席文化官【CCO】:Chief Cultural Officer

开发总监 【CDO】:chief Development officer

人事总监 【CHO】:Chief Human resource officer

首席知识官【CKO】:chief knowledge officer

副总经理英文缩写 副总经理的英文缩写是什么

首席市场官【CMO】:chief Marketing officer

首席谈判官【CNO】:chief Negotiation officer

公关总监 【CPO】:chief Public relation officer

质量总监 【CQO】:chief Quality officer

销售总监 【CSO】:chief Sales officer

评估总监 【CVO】:chief Valuation officer

总经理 【GM 】:General Manager

副总裁 【VP 】:Vice President

第一副总裁【FVP】:First Vice President

副总裁助理【AVP】:Assistant Vice President

人力资源总监【HRD】:Human Resource Director

运营总监 【OD 】:Operations Director

市场总监 【MD 】:Marketing Director

运作经理 【OM 】:Operations Manager

生产经理 【PM 】:Production Manager

产品经理 【PM 】:Product Manager

项目经理 【PM 】:Project Manager


部门经理 【BM 】:Branch Manager

区域经理 【DM 】:District Manager

区域经理 【RM 】:Regional Manager


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/230361/971074026.html


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