儿童双语故事 关于双语儿童英语故事欣赏



A prisoner picked up 1,000yuan in the course of building the road outside the prison. He handed it out without hesitation. However, someone in charge of the prison said to him in contempt, “Stop cheating! With your own money, play such a trick to bribe me; what you want to gain back is the reduced sentence; people of your sort are not honest.”

In total despair, the prisoner believed that no one in the world would trust him any more. So he escaped from prison that night.

On his way to flight, he plundered money and values without restraint. After plundering enough pelf, he took a train bound for the border. The carriages were so crowded that he had to stand close to a water closet. At this moment, a quite beautiful girl walked into the closet, and found that the latch was broken when she closed the door. She stepped out and whispered to him, “Sir, could you guard the door for me?”

In a daze for a second, he, looking into the pure eyes of the girl, nodded his head. The girl went into the closet with a blush; and he guarded the door tightly like a loyal guard.

At that very moment, he changed his mind suddenly. At the next stop he got off the train, and went to give himself up to the police at the train station.

Trust is the most precious thing in this world. It cannot be bought, or gained by lure or force. It comes deep from one’s soul, and lives in the clear spring of the soul. It can redeem the soul and make the soul and make the heart full of purity and confidence.








Two women were chating in a room,One asked, "How is everthing going with yourson?""Oh,don't’ even mention it, what a huge misfortune!!" The woman sighed :"He is poorenough, and marry a extraordinary lazy daughter-in-law.She doesn’t cook,not clean theroom,not look after the children except sleep all the time.It was my son who bring breakfast toher bed.

"How about your dauther?"

"She might be lucky." Woman smiled,

"He married a good husband who doesn't allow him to do the housework,and handleeverything all alone.The housework include cooking,washing ,cleaning and looking after thechildren.What's more, he brought the breakfast to my daughter everyday.


→ same situation, but when we look at from my perspective, it will have a different mentality.

→ stand to look at other people's position, or at each other's point of view to think about a lotof things not the case,

→ You can have a greater tolerance, will have more love.

→ accommodate only have love, only love do not accommodate, and all are in vain.


儿童双语故事 关于双语儿童英语故事欣赏










In the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), the king of the Wei, Cao Rui, wanted to select a verycapable man to work for him. He said to his ministers: 'When choosing a talented person,always beware of one with a false reputation. A false reputation is just like a picture of a cake;it can' t relieve hunger.'

Later, this idiom came to be used to mean comforting oneself with unrealistic thoughts,without solving practical problems.





爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/230261/941331933.html


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