有史记载,豹纹作为时装元素,由美国时装设计师Norman Norell(1900-1972),于上世纪四十年代初开创先河。那么,你知道豹纹的英语怎么说吗?
Nothing says romance like an uninvited onlooker in a leopard print sarong.
His latest creations are not the most practical with some, including a bizarreleopard-print teddy bear headdress, covering the model's entire face.
I received a text from a friend just before Christmas, “Tell me what you want,otherwise you’re getting a leopard print Snuggie.”
豹纹英语怎么说The Royal Suite on the 25th floor has a marble-and-gold staircase, leopard printcarpets, its own private lift and a rotating four-poster canopy bed.
举个例子来说,“位于图庭的Primark(英国一家大型的出售服装服饰的连锁店,其价格极其低廉,因此有时会被看作是廉价品的代名词)被烧光了”这条消息对于那些住在伦敦南部喜欢豹纹紧身裤和廉价手提包的人来说无疑是个巨大的悲剧。 所以这条消息能像野火一样在周一晚上迅速传开就一点也不奇怪了。
It's a tremendously sad thought for devotees of leopard-print leggings and cheaphandbags in south London, so it's no surprise that the news spread like wildfireon Monday night.
尽管2010年开始和结束时,英国的大部分地区都被大雪覆盖,对人们来说不算是好天气。 但英国的国民托管组织声称:在这一年里,英国的很多濒危物种,比如埃克斯莫尔的珍稀希斯豹纹蝶、坎布里亚郡的网纹毛毡衣蝶还有法内尔岛上的海雀,都很享受这适合繁殖的一年,数量大大增加。
Despite 2010 starting and ending with much of the country swathed in snow,threatened species such as the puffin and the rare heath fritillary butterflyenjoyed successful breeding seasons.
The report, from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, revealed that 88species are in decline, including skylarks, pearl-bordered fritillary butterflies andred squirrels.
These other bras that emerged were satin or lace, black or red or leopard-spotted, bras of the sort that I had thought only adult women wore.
So should New England's loss of the regal fritillary.
He was reminded of leopard stingrays that land on boats in Florida, sometimes with deadly consequences.
豹纹会令你的衣橱光鲜亮丽充满激情,而如果能把豹纹穿出对的感觉,那么就会让你看起来非常时髦哦 。
Animal prints can add a dash of colour and excitement to your wardrobe, and canlook stylish when done the right way.
However, in the context of incubating eggs, all-over leopard and angel wings, itbarely raises an eyebrow.
While leopard print has been everincreasing in popularity, New York FashionWeek has suddenly provided afresh alternative: tiger print.
The best way to wear animal print is to keep it subtle and simple.
Even if you’re wearing a basic T-shirt and jeans, use accessories like a printed scarf as the “bright” piece to complete your look.
If you’re nervous about this look, try a cute printed cardigan over a neutral outfit,such as a plain black or navy blue dress, to add a shot of glamour that won't be overly sexy.
Extremely good value for money considering that I should imagine many of the couplings end with the domestic tom inside the female’s stomach.
The R&B diva prowls the red carpet in her one-shoulder, leopard-print gown,adding dazzle to her sleek updo with chandelier earrings.
Victoria Silvstedt showed her sexy body by wearing leopard print bikini.

Her favourite is a pair of leopard-print, peep-toe heels from Australian designerLeona Edmiston, but the brand favoured by more than any other of thosesurveyed was Manolo Blahnik.