高一寒假作文800字 我的寒假高一英语作文



Let my little niece winter vacation homework today, she readily agreed, she took out a pile of books from the school bag and book, I'll ask her winter vacation homework you have so much? She said, "yeah, we're going to do winter vacation homework book, write a complete book of the words and it is each line, and a day to write a diary, and mathematical complete book of exercises to do." After hearing her answer I am a little consternation, winter vacation in only a month off, how can have so much homework, but also for second grade children.

I will be in our school children compared with them, find our school children is luckier. We only require students to finish winter vacation homework book, and then make a happy years of China pictorial. Especially happy Chinese New Year posters produced, it can let the student to understand the traditional culture, and cultivate their ability, but also let them learn in life, found in the life, and why not? So that the students didn't feel much homework, at the same time also can get harvest, so now there are a lot of local education system needs reform indeed, society needs is to be able to adapt to social development talent, not only can keep the book a nerd. So these are thought-provoking!


In the winter vacation life I have seen such a story to share with you:

Boone smile day, boone to visit a client, but unfortunately, they didn't reach an agreement. Boone very upset, come back later told the story to the manager. Tell the manager listened patiently boone, silent for a moment and said, "you might as well go again, but should adjust their own state, always remember to smile, use your smile to impress each other, so that he can see your sincerity."

Boone to try to do it, he behaved himself very optimistic, very sincere, has been permeated with a smile on his face. Results each other have also been infected by boone, they happily signed agreement.

Boone have been married for 18 years, every morning to go to work. Busy life let he forgot his beloved wife, he seldom smile to his wife. Boone decided to give it a try and see what difference smile will bring their marriage.

The next morning, boone comb my hair looked in the mirror is smiling at frail, the scowl on his face. When he sat down to eat breakfast, he greeted Mrs. With a smile. She amazed, very excited. In this two weeks, boone felt more happiness than in the past two years.

高一寒假作文800字 我的寒假高一英语作文

Boone often sincerely compliment, now stop talking about their needs and annoyance. He tried to see things from other people's opinions. All this really changed his life, he gained more joy and friendship.

This story gave me the message, do anything to adjust their own state of mind, always remember to use the smile, set each other, play with your smile so that he can see your sincerity. A smile can bring warmth, friendship, can bring happiness. So in the work, life will smile to face, in a good state of mind to treat people and things around.


The end of the year, on New Year's eve is the reunion night, every household is decorated, celebrate the end of a year of peace, a good start in the New Year.

On New Year's eve, every family is busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, our family is no exception, and each year couplet still stick by me at home. Actually this stick couplet learning also pretty big, when you last as long as a look at this couplet you will know the family in the New Year's hope and plan, also know that in the past year what has happened to the family home wedding, you look at the couplet is not god.

On this day the most happy or children, they cried to early adult years, because after taking the year can fireworks. Fireworks, several children beside, hopping, forget about the overjoyed when, even adults were infected with the following. After the fireworks family around the table to eat the family reunion dinner, the most interesting is to eat dumplings, and it can eat dumplings eat money, who eat money the luck in the New Year will be the best, so everyone scrambled to eat, who also rob to that rich of dumplings, but whether to eat or not to eat, the atmosphere of rob to eat the dumpling is the most unforgettable...


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/229961/218528919.html


高老大的人气 我的老大我的英雄高清


罗永浩式奋斗 罗永浩我的奋斗高清

作者:本刊记者 李超 发自北京从网络红人到创业家,罗永浩以自己的方式完成了一次奋斗式转型。这个被人贴上“理想主义者”标签的胖子,能否适应这个全新的角色罗永浩  罗永浩坐在办公室里,房间拥挤而凌乱,一台跑步机摆放在角落,落地窗

我的一家 我的一家。怎么写。

高小平(左二)与冀东老革命宋时伦上将之女宋崇实(左三)、原冀东行署主任张明远之女张晓霁(右二)交谈 我 的 一家高 小 平我叫高小平,已过花甲之年。说起原籍来,颇有一段故事,经过我多年查考,才知道在明永乐二年(1404年),来自山西山后陆州洪洞

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