有关寒假的英语对话 寒假英语对话




Have you decided what you’re going to do during your holiday?

有关寒假的英语对话 寒假英语对话



Yes. I’m going to travel around Europe.



Wow, that sounds great! Where are you going?



I think I will start off in Paris. Then I’m going to take the train to Nice and then go on to Milan.



Oh that will be lovely. You’ll be able to do lots of shopping I expect.



Oh yes and try lots of new food too.



Great. Make sure you buy me a souvenir!



Oh, don’t worry, I will!



B:What are you going to spend your holiday.

A:I plan to visit Switzerland this year,because I hear it will be very cold there.

B:you know it will be very cold,so that's why you want to go?that's strange.I won't go to a place just because it's cold.

A:No,what I meant is that I want to go to Switzerland to ski.If it is colder,that means more snow,and more fun when skiing,right?

B:Oh,then I guess I understand what you mean.It sounds fun.Do you mind if I join you?

A:Of course not,we've travelled together many times already,haven't we?for now,only my wife,me and you are going.do you want to invite somebody else?

B:Oh,sure.How about Peter?I hear he is interested in going skiing too,but is not sure where he wants to go.

A:It would be nice to have Peter join us.i think he has a girlfriend.I will ask him if his girlfriend wants to come too.

B:it's settled then.have you looked up any information relating to switzerland?

A:yes,it's all stored in my laptop computer.I found a package tour that seems quite good,and it's cheap too!

B:I'm very pleased to hear that.please let me take a look at it soon

A:of course.


A; The winter vacation had gone, I 'm missing the days that had just past!

B: Me,too. why do you miss your winter vacation so much?

A: I have been to Sanya in this vacationn.

C: Sanya! It is beautiful city , I have been to there too.

D: yes ,so have I. the sunny, the beach, and the sea...I think i 'll never forget all of them.

E; To have a travel was a nice choice.but did you read some new books?

C: I did. because my parents were too busy in these days, I had to stay at home, and did some reading!

E: can you tell us about the books you've read?

C; OK . the most interesting book is Rushtime, which is about the love story, I was fascinated with it.

B: I am very interesting in it , can you lend it to me ?

C: Ok, no problem!


A:Hi,how are you!

B:I'm fine,how was your holiday?

A:Not bad,have I told you something about my grandma's visit?

B:No,why ask?

A:Oh,god that was quite a mess.It caused my home-entertain later on.She is blind that all members in my family paid great attention on her,and I couldn't go out at all!

B:Then you want to know about my holiday?

A:What is that?

B:My grandpa which was a soilder in the world war two came!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/229761/21442593.html


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