简单的二人英语小对话 关于二人简单英语对话






S: Oh, the queue is very long.

F: We can check in at Business Class over there.

M: Airports are sad places.

F: Sometimes, I guess. But. we'll send e-mails and call you regularly.

S: I will call you as soon as possible when I reach Paris.

简单的二人英语小对话 关于二人简单英语对话

F: Sometimes you feel so tired and can not concentrate, or cannot be fully adapted to the new environment. Don't worry. Many people may face the same problem in a foreign country. They feel alienated in the new culture in the first three months. It is just culture shock.

M: It's bound to be like this at first. Generally speaking, most foreigners are very kind and tolerant. They also like to be judged fairly. Be honest to them and try to make friends with them.

S: I know. But I still will feel homesick.

M: I'm sure you'll be adapted to your new environment.

F: You should depend on yourself instead of on mom and dad. You're a grown-up.





M: Good morning. My name is Mary.

O: Good morning. Sit down, please. Would you mind if I ask you some questions?

M:Of course not.

O: What do you go to America for?

M: I'd like to study for my Master's Degree.

O: Will you get any kind of scholarship?

M: Yes. The school has provided me with a partial scholarship. And my father is ready to cover the rest expenses. Here is the bank account proof.

O: All right. Are you planning to work in America after graduation?

M: No, sir. I'm sure to come back to China as soon as I get my degree. Anyway it's my hometown. I think it's better to start up my own business in my familiar place than in other countries.

O: OK, we'll complete the formalities for your entry visa as soon as possible. We'll inform you at once.

M: Thank you very much.





C: Hi, Bryan! It has been a long time since I saw you last time. What are you up to lately?

B: I'm applying for graduate study abroad.

C: Really? Me too. Which country do you want to go?

B: America I have applied for about 20 universities including Harvard.

C: How formidable you are! Why do you choose Aa?

B: I think it's freer in America and it has led the world in higher education. In addition, it is easier to get scholarship. It's very important to me.

C: It makes sense.

B: What about you? I heard that you wanna go to Britain.

C: Yeah. Because I only need to study for one year to graduate. I wanna go to work as soon as possible. Moreover, my uncle lived in London. It's very convenient. And Britain is the place I dreamed about when I was a child.

B: May your dreams come true, and wish you a fantastic future!

C: The same to you. Good luck!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/229361/570146566.html


两人英语口语对话 简单的两人英语口语对话


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