关于阅读的英文文章 关于音乐的英文文章阅读



Music is a mystery and is loved by most of us. It is one of the most common forms of entertainment since ages. Music is not just a collection of notes and tones, but also a tonic for one’s betterment and growth. Music is a very good companion to any sort of a person. Music can stay with you forever, playing a positive role in your life. Good and soothing music can create a great impact on your mind and soul. Music is a doctor for ill minds, tonic for weak minds and a good chum for great minds. As Leo Tolstoy says, “Music is the shorthand of emotions”. Music can cure many diseases, both mental and physical. It can also help a person to grow spiritually and develop moral values. Leonard Slatkin goes one step further and says, “We need music to restore the human spirit”. Music can help in the spiritual transformation of a soul. The effects of music on our mind and soul are listed below.

1. Anti-depression pill

There are situations when you feel low. Feelings of obscurity and scantiness can fill your mind and accomplishment of everyday activities can become too hard. Depression reduces the activity of the brain and hampers the mind’s ability to plan and execute tasks. Soothing music can bring you out of depression, acting as an anti-depression pill, without causing any side effects. You can prevent yourself from getting into depression by listening to soothing music regularly.

2. Anxiety buster

Anxiety associated tasks may have a negative outcome. It may cause restlessness, impatience and other anxiety disorders. Music induces sound sleep and keeps your mind calm and attentive. This helps in getting good results from the tasks performed by you.

关于阅读的英文文章 关于音乐的英文文章阅读

3. Stress buster

The learning and thinking ability of a person is affected by stress. Music can act as a stress buster and can help you learn and think better. If work is accompanied by soothing music, you can think, analyze and work faster in a more efficient manner, yielding better results.

4. Motivator

Music helps in developing a positive attitude and provides motivation. Music can boost up confidence and enhance the learning ability of an individual, which helps in developing efficiency in the work at hand.

5. Meditation mode

Peaceful music can be used as a mode to meditate. Concentrating on slow and peaceful music can be as effective as meditation.

6. Mood maker

Music has been known to have a very direct effect on a person’s mood. By just listening to music, a person’s mood can be easily altered. Calm and soothing music can keep your mood happy and healthy. Unpleasant music, which is many times termed as ‘noise’, may spoil the mood of a person. It may also make the person anxious and disturbed and also lead to serious health problems.

7. Spiritual master

As most of the prayers are tuned and are musical, it helps in developing love and devotion towards God. This also helps in the liberation of the soul. Many saints and great people have expressed their devotion through melodious songs and carols. This not only helps the listeners to grow spiritually and move in the path of enlightenment, but also makes them get closer to the Almighty.

8. Personality builder

It is a known fact that what you do regularly determines your personality. If you listen to good, soothing music, it will lead to a good personality. Music can also lead to the deterioration of moral values in a person, causing negative effects on the personality.

9. Eternal happiness

Eternal happiness is one thing that you cannot get all of a sudden. It is that happiness which has no bounds. It is a state of mind which finds happiness always, in each and everything. Music is one thing which can give eternal happiness to everyone. The path of music itself is a path of joy and well-being. It helps in detaching yourself from the materialistic world and gain eternal happiness.


Wonderful l Music(奇妙的音乐)

I have to say that music really has a strong attractiveness to me. Naturally, everyone can choose suitable music to listen to. However, when you find a kind of music which can bring happiness to you, you will be surprised and become excited. Music has a magical energy, and it can help people gain good mood in a great extent.


When you feel sad, you can have a try to listen to soothing music. At first, soothing music will let you calm down. You will find that you will play much attention to the music, and then your sadness can be decreased. You will enter music ocean. You can experience a baptism of your heart. It does not matter that when you listen to soothing music and you want to cry, you should just follow yourself feeling to have a thorough release. Music will give you enough encourage to overcome difficulties.


Music also can double your happiness and arouse the fighting. For instance, when you solve some very difficult situations and gain success eventually, you will have a great mood. At this time, exciting music will witness your success. You will feel satisfied. Music lets you remember the glorious moment and cherish your success. Music can give you unlimited motivation to achieve goals,because you still want to listen to glorious music.


In addition, music includes a lot of useful knowledge. People can learn precious knowledge from music. Because there is different music, we can find out that different nations have different music thoughts to express. And from music, we can listen to music culture. Music culture will give you a deeper understanding to learn foreign culture, such as foreign language, foreign history and foreign traditional customs and so on. In a word, music has an important effect on promoting society development.


Music indeed has a magical power to help people and society develop. I believe that music will still continue to bring us many surprises. As the development of society, great music will become more important.



7 Amazing Benefits of Music Therapy

Music has a profound effect on your body and mind. Music therapy is a growing field of health care used to heal people. Unfortunately, many people don’t even realize how effective and useful the power of music therapy is. In fact, music therapy is often used to ward off depression and to calm and ease muscle tension. Music therapy can bring an innumerable list of other benefits. Read on to discover seven amazing benefits of music therapy.

1. There are significant therapeutic effects

It’s no surprise that music therapy is growing popularity. Many hospitals are using music therapy for pain management and other uses. Moreover, music from a great number of cultures has different therapeutic effects, but many people prefer to listen to music of their own culture, because they find it more effective in healing and relaxing. Furthermore, music for meditations can easily calm you down. Set aside time each day to meditate to soothing music, such as classical music, soft rock, relaxing sounds of wind chimes and other soft tones.

2. Music evokes neurological stimulation

Every person perceives various music genres in a different way. If to compare classical and heavy metal music, we can point out that classical music makes you feel relaxed and comfortable while hard rock music usually quickens your heart beat. Eventually, the quickened heart beat response will begin to produce a vague message of anxiety to your brain. Music can shift your energy from angry to happy with help of different genres. Try to listen to the music, which makes your mood wonderful.

3. Music can boost your mood

It’s not surprising that music is linked to your mood. Everyone knows that listening to music while feeling down or bad can provide a relief. What may not be known to most people is that music can also bring a more positive state of mind, helping to keep depression and anxiety away. Music also helps people overcome life difficulties. Many scientists have found that people can boost their mood simply by listening to upbeat music. Music has the power to make you smile, dance and sometimes it can bring you to tears, especially if you are a sensitive and sentimental personality.

4. Influences brainwaves

According to a medical research, music produces sound vibrations which can stimulate your brainwaves. Much depends on the speed of the beat that can either make you more alert and hyper or relax and calm down. Meditative states help you feel positive waves and vibrations in your brain.

5. Heals conditions

Music helps heal different emotional and physical conditions. It has been proven to be effective, because people have definite, measurable responses to certain sounds and tones. Healing music has been shown to induce states of increased well-being and relaxation. Music therapies can relief dementia, insomnia and autism. Those who suffer from depression should listen more to their favorite music. Practitioners believe that music makes both body and mind more perceptive to recovery.

6. It uncovers emotions

Nowadays therapists try to heal people with a help of music and guided imagery. They believe it can help to get into the subconscious mind, find and eliminate the root cause for anxiety and depression. Music can be the key to the solution of your health problems. Plus, you can uncover hidden emotions of yours.

7. Music is the way of self-expression

People cannot live without self-expression. Someone likes to listen to the music, while others adore creating and playing tunes and songs. My friend is a pro at playing the violin. She is good at writing her own music. It seems she is absolutely plunged in this creative process and gets satisfaction while playing the violin. I think music is the best way to express your individuality. Your own music can have a magical healing effect on you and others as well.

Music is one of the most beautiful things created by a human being. I cannot even imagine this world without it. I hope humanity will learn soon how to use it wisely. Have you ever used music in healing purposes? Do you support music therapy as a way of healing people?


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