数码相机怎么读 数码相机用英语怎么说

数码相机,是一种利用电子传感器把光学影像转换成电子数据的照相机,是如今人们常用的拍摄工具之一。那么你知道数码相机用英语怎么说吗? 下面和小编一起来学习一下数码相机的英语说法吧。


digital camera


佳能数码相机 canon digital camera

数码相机软件 digital camera software

单反数码相机 DSLR Camera ; Digital single Iens reflex

全画幅数码相机 Full Frame Digital Camera


1. The speed with which digital cameras can take, process and transmit an image is phenomenal.


2. A digital camera provides a quick and easy means to capture ideas for later reference.


3. And I guess they will also check the digital cameras, right?

我想他们也会检查数码相机, 对吧?

数码相机怎么读 数码相机用英语怎么说

4. How can we get a picture from a digital camera?


5. My Tristar U - CA 5 digital camera, the computer cannot demonstrate the picture normally?

我的三星U-CA5数码相机, 电脑不能正常显示照片?

6. Recent years have witnessed a fast development of digital tongue diagnosis.


7. I've got a digital camera and I've learned to take good photos.


8. Using a digital camera is a piece of cake.


9. Find random personal pictures, using standard file names from digital cameras.


10. With the development of CCD technology, digital camera is being developed rapidly.

摘要随着CCD技术的进步, 数码相机发展很快.

11. Main production and sales: MP 3, U plate, digital camera, digital camera, etc.

主要生产销售: MP3, U盘, 数码摄像机, 数码相机等!

12. POCO map passengers , was net a free software for processing images.

等图片加工处理, 带给你轻松快捷的图片加工体验. 是每一个家庭的数码相机必备的图片加工软件.

13. Digital cameras and digital video cameras began to appear last year.


14. Theoretically speaking, the higher sensitivity of digital camera to photograph the better.

从理论上来讲, 数码相机的感光度越高,拍摄效果越好.

15. Fax Machine, Digital Camera, Bluetooth Product, Monitor, Computer Peripherals, Hand Pc Telecommunication.

采购产品传真机器, 数码相机, 蓝牙产品, 监视器, 计算机外设,二手个人计算机电传视讯.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/228861/525415453.html


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读书笔记应该怎么写 @应该怎么读呢

在说明@怎么读之前,先和大家分享@的意思;@ 可以理解为“在”,例如,在家,可以简单的表达为“@家”,如果你认识英文,@代表英文中的?at;         @ 通常用在邮箱地址中,例如你的QQ邮箱地址可能是1209@qq.com,@前面的部分就好象是你家

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