put的英语短语 查字典的英语短语

要是你对这个问题不清楚, 查字典也许可以解答你的问题。下面是小编给大家整理的查字典的英语短语,供大家参阅!


1. If you have no idea about it, consult a dictionary, please.

要是你对这个问题不清楚, 请你查字典得了.

2. If we got a spelling wrong we were forced to get a dictionary out.


3. Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.


4. Not being sure of the word, he turned it up in the dictionary.

他对那个词没有把握, 于是就查字典.

5. If you don't know a word, you can look it up in a dictionary.

如果你有不识的字, 可以查字典.

6. Dictionary lookup contests for 2 nd grade and above start today.

put的英语短语 查字典的英语短语


7. He mastered these words through the arduous consultation of the dictionary.


8. The parent then tells the child to consult a dictionary.


9. Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words.


10. Le professeur nous permet de consulter le dictionnaire au cours de l'examen.


11. Turn up the dictionary if you cannot spell the word.


12. You should consult the dictionary.


13. I need to consult a dictionary.


14. Students should establish the dictionary habit.


15. You'd better not look up every word in the dictionary while you are reading the articles.




After fishing for right word, I decided to look in the dictionary.


If I find new words or anything I don’t know, I check the dictionary.


Once you've tried this exercise, look it up in the dictionary and confirm its meaning.


Avoid flashing your Lonely Planet guidebook around, or publicly referring to your language dictionary when traveling abroad.


Skills will develop with your constant use of various dictionaries The more you use them, themore familiar you will become with them.


You may need to look in your dictionary.


I did not know what epilepsy was, and I was too lazy to look it up in the dictionary.


I will turn to a dictionary if I come across any words that I don't know how to express.

学生们学会查字典。 (lookup是短语动词。)

Students should learn to look up new words in dictionaries.


One of the most unreasonably difficult things about learning Chinese is that merely learninghow to look up a word in the dictionary is about the equivalent of an entire semester ofsecretarial school

increaseyourvocabulary /扩大你的词汇量;findnewexpressions /发现新的表达法;checkthedictionary /查字典。

increase your vocabulary / increase your vocabulary; find new expressions / find newexpressions; check the dictionary / check the dictionary.


If you hear someone using a word you don't know, be sure to look it up.


I was still making a fair amount of reference to my dictionaries then, and I’m sure if I saw mytranslation now I’d be horrified, but it was real work, for real money.


Looking up every word (even if you can spell it) is a motivation killer and it's not too effective forremembering the words.


You have to accumulate enough of them to be able to have a speaking ability. You can learnthem by watching your favorite film or listening to your favorite music.


Whenever you come across a new word, just consult it and you will get a clear definition from it.


For some extensive reading, for example, you need not account to a dictionary every time you encounter a new word, you could just guess the meaning and skip it.


Look it up in a dictionary and you'll see definitions like "the act or process of selling", or "thetechnique of promoting, selling and distributing".


For the past month, we've been pestering our students to meticulously read and re-readEnglish essays, underlining words they don't know and looking them up in the dictionary.


You can make a note, browse, or even look up a word in the dictionary while reading.


We should learn how to find the dictionary? Yes.



This allows you to start reading great books without having to reach for a dictionary every other word. 如果你所有的词都不明白,选最普遍的和最有趣或最相关的去查字典。

If you don't understand all the words, choose the most common and the ones of interest orrelevance to you to learn first.


There is no need to refer to the dictionary each time you come across a new word whilereading.


12-3 The night before the first night her sister and brother-in-law had left her alone she hadgone to the dictionary and got the two words cine and guerra

无聊的时候在家里走来走去,用英语说出每个东西的名称。 不会的去查字典!

Walk around your house, and try to say everything in English.


He is not the teacher explain the text as to give us, but we always look up, discuss, askquestions … … he is turning in turn, ask, ask that.


You can refer to the dictionary to find out the explanation.


You can refer to the dictionary to find out the explanation.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/228761/955325902.html


用部首查字法的方法是 如何用部首查字典

如何用部首查字典――简介部首查字法就是利用汉字的部首来查字,多用于知道字形、不知道读音和字义时应用。如何用部首查字典――工具/原料字典或词典如何用部首查字典――方法/步骤如何用部首查字典 1、 为了让同学们能够更好地了解

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