适合小学生表演的故事 小学生英语小故事表演文字素材



Once there were two brothers, brother is very rich, but poor brother. Brother wanted to be sure to get rid of poverty through their own labor, and he worked hard to farming. He planted radish seeds children.

Carrot growing, the big and strong, seeing it every day the big day are kept long. Finally, it grew into a "carrot King", has never been such a large radish! The carrot be? Use a whole car just got it installed, you want to drag two bulls before moving it.

Brother thought: such a big carrot, will be able to sell a lot of money. But who is going to buy it? After buying it when you want to eat! Altogether or do not sell. The king is a good king, I put the carrot to the king about it, when a gift given to him.

When the king saw this big carrot, amazed: "I've seen a lot of strange things, but never seen such a big carrot, which is what kind of seed out of it seems only you can grow this? radish come, you're a lucky guy. "

Brother said: "ah, no, Dear King, I'm not a lucky guy, I'm just a poor farmer."

The king said sympathetically: "I want to give you something to help you get rid of poverty."

So the king gave him a lot of gold, farmland, grassland and livestock, so he became a wealthy man.

Brother brother heard only a turnip get so much wealth, I feel very strange, very jealous. He wanted himself how it is possible to get the king's gift?

Brother is very rich, he took gold and horses, to the king. He thought his brother only one change to the carrot so much wealth, I get so many good things to the king will be more like me, you will give me more treasure!

How he did not expect the king to accept the gift, he said:. "Thank you so generous, I really do not know what you do to return it, I just received a very strange gift, is a particularly large particularly large radish! you have never seen before. I want this curious gift

Give you! "

Thus, the greedy big carrot brother took his brother in the car, back home. I never had such a large radish! The carrot be? Use a whole car just got it installed, you want to drag two bulls before moving it.


One day, the little mouse go out to play, I found a big leather shoes on the grass. It thought: I moved back to the big shoes belongings cradle it. Thus, it is hard to push shoes, tired sweating, shortness of breath whistling, or can not move. So, the little mouse came up with a good way, it gives the shoes on wheels, "Didi", which drove shoes car happily home.

Monkey watermelon ground pick up a large watermelon, want to take home, how can not move. It watermelon eating a hole, made a cab. Give watermelon on wheels, myself sitting watermelon, "Didi" happily home.

Big carrot rabbit species cooked, pull it wanted to take home a big carrot, but also how can not move. How to do it? Bunny Kendiao half of the radish, made a cab, give carrots on wheels, myself sitting turnip, "Didi", which drove happily home radish car.


There is a pig, his face dirty. Because he does not love your face, never wash your face, so that small animals hate it, do not like to play with it. Mother pig advised to wash it, it just do not wash.

Pig birthday, the bunny gave it a mirror, it every day according to a photo his face. Not clean, wash, wash clean.

The first day, pig face washed up with a mirror shine, clean, and was delighted to friends hide and seek. Rabbit, sheep, dogs and other flowers suddenly found pig hygiene, and have friends and pig, pig happy.

The fifth day, there are a few flies lying on the mirror. Washing the face piggy went to the mirror and found that there are several tiny black face, then went to wash your face, then according to what is not clean. Washed and washed, according to another photo or unclean. Rabbit, anxious at the door, the door to look, turned out to be a fly on the mirror ah, he could not help laughing pig to play.

Since then, the pig in the mirror, saw his face as long as dirty, they think there is a mirror on the fly, do not care, you do not wash your face. Since then, small animals and pigs no longer play.

适合小学生表演的故事 小学生英语小故事表演文字素材

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原文地址:适合小学生阅读的杂志作者:张云兵《读友》(少年文学)·培育高雅文学品味,享受时尚阅读乐趣!读者对象:小学中、高年级学生,初中生半月刊,大32开,160页+四封,彩色+黑白印刷,定价5.5元,邮发代号:80-664杂志博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn

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