高中作文 食堂的午餐 有关食堂的高中英语作文



Good morning boys and girls!

I feel very honored to give a speech today and my topic is “Treasure food refuse to waste”. As we have our meals in our canteen every day have you ever noticed a phenomenon? That is we are wasting too much food. Many students ordered more than what they can have the result of which of course is that a large amount of food has been wasted. It’s reported that the food we Chinese waste every year is 25% of what we have produced. How pitiful it is! It’s high time to stop it.

The most important is that we should raise our awareness of treasure food. When we have meals we should order proper amount of food so that we won’t waste food because we can’t eat it up. In addition the canteen had better permit students to pay the food according to the amount.

That’s all. Thank you!


Dear headmaster:

I am student from information academy of our school I am writing to tell you something about the canteen service on our campus.

There is no doubt that the food of our canteen is very delicious, and the environment is neat and tidy. However, the price of the food is so expensive that many students can’t liable for the bill, in addition, most of the dishes remain unchanged all the year round. More and more students are complaining about eating the same food every day. What most I can’t stand is that the long waiting time for buying food. Buy the way, the seats are always not enough, some students have no seats when eating. Finally I advise them to improve the quantity of the food and their service. I will be very glad if you can take my suggestions into consideration.

Best wishes,

yours sincerely



Dear headmaster

I’m Li Ming a student of Qi Ming High School. I’m writing to you to express a concern about our school canteen.

Recently more and more students would rather choose the unhealthy fast-food outside than eat the so-called nutritious lunch of our school. Some of them even bring food back to the classroom resulting in strong smell and piles of rubbish which spoils our peaceful learning environment.

As for the reasons I think there are mainly two as follows. Firstly the food provided by the school canteen can never agree with our tastes. With unpleasant color and smell the dishes always make us lose appetite at the first glance. Meanwhile the dishes lack diversity. The menu is the same all year round. Moreover the canteen is messy because students jump the queue wasting our precious time when we should otherwise have a rest or study. Dear sir as a student with conscience I’d like to put forward some suggestions. Firstly I wish you could recruit some skillful cooks who can prepare various dishes of real nutrition for us to choose from. The staff of the canteen should ensure the dishes are still hot when served. Secondly I wish the canteen should be strictly supervised not only in the quality and quantity of the dishes but also in the management. For example more windows could be open to improve the efficiency and some safety guards should be assigned to maintain the order.

高中作文 食堂的午餐 有关食堂的高中英语作文

I’d appreciate it if you could take my advice into account. How I wish our canteen would regain popularity among us!

Yours sincerely

Li Ming


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