山东日照景点导游词 山东景点导游词英语



Welcome to the beautiful city JiNan which is the capital of ShanDong Province. Now we are in the BaoTu spring park in the center of JiNan .Built in 1956, the BaoTu spring park is named after the BaoTu spring. Covering a total area of 54945 square Meters including 12221 square meters, the park is a traditional Chinese garden characterized by spring. The park has three gates, of which the EastGate(东门) is the main gate.

On the doorhead is inscribed three Chinese characters(汉字) 趵突泉written by Mr GuoMoruo. The park features sightseeing, fish watching,tea sampling,stones and culture,especially Noted for its exquisiteness, cleanliness peacefulness, simplicity and elegance.The park is divided into ten major viewing areas, such as the BaoTu spring, theThree Halls, the Shangzhi Hall, the Jade Rinsing and the BaoTu Garden.

Now let’s go into the park. Enter the main gate and we will find a rockery in front of us, which was set up in 1964 with stones which are known as North Taihu stone because of their similarity in quality and color to Taihu Lake Stone produced in WuXi, JiangSu Province,.30 metres from north to south and 13 meters from west to east. The Rockery has a 4 meters high side peak. There is a cave under the Rockery with an area of about 16 square metres where visitors can take a short rest before they go inside the park. The cave of the Rockery is designed successfully with a large piece of stone. On the cave wall there are enough rifts with allow light and air to go into the cave where it is not too dark or humid. The Rockery is an excellent work of its kind in JiNan which has been highly praised by gardeners.

山东日照景点导游词 山东景点导游词英语

Located in the west park of the park, also called Luo Spring in ancient times, the BaoTu Spring has a long history of more than 3500 years, According to historical records, HuangongKing of the Lu State, met with King of the Qi State at Ouo in 694 BC. In the Northern Wei Dyansty, it was called Eying Spring because of the Eying Temple by the spring. In the North Song Dynasty, Zeng Gong, a famous writer, wrote an article entitled records of two halls in Qi prefecture, in which the spring was formally called the baoTu spring. In the JinDynasty, a stele was erected by the spring, saying that the BaoTu Spring was first among the 72 famous springs.

The BaoTu Spring bubbled up day and nighe from three jets and splashesAll over, sounding like a distant roll of thunder, looking like boiling waves and presenting a magnificent sight named the BaoTu gushing into the sky, one of the eight major scenes of Jinan.Many poems and articles in praising of the Baotu Spring have been left behind by emperors and numerous scholars and men of letters of different dynasties, such as Zeng gong, yuan Haowen, ZhangYanghao, Wang Shouren, Pu Songling, Emperor Kangxi and Emperor QianLong.

By the spring there are many inscriptions by celebrities. The two Chinese characters观澜 on the west wall of the Pavilion were written by Jinqin, a calligrapher in the Ming DynastyThe three Chinese characters 趵突泉 inscribed on the stele in the spring water were written by Hu Zanzong, Governor of Shandong in the Ming Dynasty. The other three ChineseCharacters 第一泉was written by Wang Zhonglin, a calligrapher in the Qing Dynasty. Any question?

A common saying goes that if you don't drink the spring water when you come to JiNan. It is a pity! Now lets have a taste. En Wonderful !


The city of Taian, is 150 meters above sea level. Most of the principal scenic spots and historical remains are clustered along an axis extending from the city to the top of the mountain. They are the result of a long historical Process, and are ingeniously placed in order to take advantage of the surrounding topography.

Chinese mythology has it that Mt.Tai was formed from the head of PanGu, one of chinese creators.His four limbs Formed another four mountains. These five mountains are located in the East, West,South,North and the center of China. Mount Tai in the East is the one that is generally the most admired.

The Azure Cloud Temple is the best preserved old structure on Mt.Taishan, which still retains the style and appearance of the Ming an Qing dynasties. Its importance rests with its Good combination of architecture, painting, carving and forest, an illustration of ancient Cinenese culture. It has a building area of 3900 square meters. According to records,it wasFirst built in 1009 of the Song Dynasty, and rebuilt in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now it is a large ancient complex on the top of Mt. taishan.

The Azure Cloud Temple consists of 12 large structures, such as the Main Hall, the Annexed Hall,the joss stick Hall, the Main Gate, the imperial Stele Pavillion, the Bell Tower and The Sacred Gate. The temple is divided by the main gate into two courtyards. The front counrtyard has three gates. On the Soouth Sacred Gate stand three dancing and singing roomsOver a fire floor where pilgrims burn Joss sticks. Facing the gate is a screen wall, inscribed four Chinese characters 万代瞻仰 meaning admiration by generations. Two annexed rooms extend notyhward to connect the East Sacred Gate and the West sacred Gate.

The main gate is the bound between the front courtyard and the rear courtyard. Inside the gate is the principal part of the Azyre Cloud Temple. In the center of the courtyard is the Joss stick pavilion, where enshrined is a bronze figurine of the aupreme Lord. On either side of the pavilion stands a huge stele. Besides the Azure Cloud Tem;le itself, the Buddha’s Halo is another miraculous phenomenon. Of the 128 historical sites under preservation on Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple is the most important one.

A common saying goes that a mountain will be intelligent if there lives an immortal, no matter how high it is. Mt. Taishan is not only high but also intelligent. Rising abruptly and imposingly1545 meters above sea level from a vast plain, Mt. Taishan became the holy land where emperors of different dynasties made their personal pilgrimages and held ssacrificiall ceremonies. StandjingOn the top of Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple, the chief place where sacrificial ceremonies were made, is the highlight attraction on Mt.Taishan.

If you are tired you can have a rest here or take photos. mind you, in 5 minutes. who know the origin of BaoTu Spring, please think it over and I will tell you the reason after 5 minutes.

Thank you.


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