2017七年级半期考作文 2017年七年级英语作文




January 26.2012

It was the first day of our winter holiday. all of us were very happy. why? because we have one months to do things we love to do. we are free. although we have some homework. but we can finish them in several days. and the rest time we can make good use of. my god! we have been very tired after hard studying. in winter holidays, i want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. last but not the least, i will have a good rest.



No one likes failure in his life. But not all can always succeed. It’s a pity that someone will never stand up after a failure. We must learn to accept failure. After all, failure is not always a bad thing. We can learn something from it. Just as the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success. "We can know our own shortcomings and learn some experiences from a real failure, ff we made up our minds to start again, it will be easier to succeed next time. Furthermore, failure can make our will stronger.


Teachers' Day

Teachers’ Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.


My Grandpas Birthday

Today I had a good time. It was my grandpa’s birthday. Our family went back to his home to celebrate his birthday. My mother cooked many delicious food and we brought a big birthday cake. We got together to have a big family dinner. We gave grandpa some presents and said, "Happy birthday to you!"

2017七年级半期考作文 2017年七年级英语作文

In the afternoon we went boating in the park. We enjoyed ourselves, and my grandpa had a nice time on his birthday.


Happy Class Break

The bell rang and the class was over. Many classmates jumped up from the seat. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom while talking and laughing. Two girls were singing a song on their seats. Some boys were telling a joke loudly. They were laughing together. I was chatting with some classmates when Li Hong came to me. She joined us. Our class break was often full of fun and laughter. We often have a pleasant break.


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