简单的寓言英文故事 英语简单寓言故事

搞清楚寓言故事与哲学关系、寓言故事优势以及怎样使用寓言故事等,从而达到运用寓言故事增强 哲学常识 吸引力的目的,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇英语简单寓言故事。


In ancient times, the people of the state of Wu and the people of the state of Yue had always been hostile to each other, which could be called feud(不和,争执).

But if they were on the same boat and encounter a storm, they would help each other just like one's left hand coordinates with his right hand, and they didn't seem hostile to each other at all.


Mencius said, "Suppose a person steals a hen from his neighbour each day. And someoneexpostulates(劝诫) him, saying, 'what you do is not decent.' The thief says, 'Then I will steal less, one hen each month. And I will stop doing this next year.

Is it all right?' If people already know that what they do is wrong, then they should stop it right away, Why wait until next year."


A while back, there was a story about Reuben Gonzolas,

Who was in the final match of his first professional racquetball(回力网球) toumament at match point in the fifth and final game, Gonzolas made a super "kill shot" into the front corner to win the tournament.

The referee called it good, and one of the linemen confirmed the shot was a winner.

But after a moment's hesitation, Gonzolas turned and declared that his shot had skipped into the wall, hitting the floor first. As a result, the serve went to his opponent, who went on to win the match.

Reuben Gonzolas walked off the court, everyone was stunned. The next issue of a leading racquetball magazine featured Gonzolas on its cover.

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The lead editorial searched and questioned for an explanation for the first ever occurrence on the professional racquetball circuit.

Who could ever imagine it in any sport or endeavor? Here was a player with everything officially in his favor, with victory in his grasp, who disqualifies himself at match point and loses.

When asked why he did it, Gonzolas replied, "It was the only thing I could do to maintain my integrity."


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/227761/873181289.html



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