愚者不学无术 Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools
不学无术地 ignorantly
不学无术的 ignoramus
不学无术的人 ignoramus
七叶不学无术 After Waiting for So Long
愚者不学无术,智者不耻下问。 Fools learn nothing from wise men,but wise men learn much from fools
不学无术Be ignorant and incompetent having neither knowledge nor skill Learn not and know not.
不学无术be ignorant and incompetent
1. She was a woman of mean understanding , little information, and uncertain temper.
她是个智力贫乏 、 不学无术、喜怒无常的女人.
2. I know l'm common ignorant girl , and you a book - learned gentleman.
我知道我只不过是个平凡的不学无术的丫头, 而你是个有学问的上流绅士.
3. As an intellectual Goebbels looked down on the crude philistines of the leading group in Munich.
4. From his words and behaviour I know that he is a know - it - all fellow.
5. Why do you go round with those unread and useless fellow?
6. How can someone ignorant and incompetent be head teacher?
7. Even though I am uneducated. I know that you are my everything.
8. He is an ignorant and incompetent guy.
9. Art hath an enemy called ignorance.
10. He is a dandy, he never studies anything.
他是个纨绔子弟, 从来都是不学无术的.
11. This is one sure way of electing ignorant and incompetent men as senators.
12. The famous Dimitrov is as ignorant and commonplace as a shopkeeper over a mug of beer.

13. Fools learn nothing from wise men , but wise men learn much from fools.
愚者不学无术, 智者不耻下问.
14. Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense . But good men starve for want of impudence.
大胆的骗子不学无术却养得肥头胖耳, 好人因不会厚颜无耻却饥肠辘.
15. These children of wealthy families play all day long, they have neither learning nor ability.
这些膏粱子弟整天吃喝玩乐, 不学无术.
1.但是,吉姆实在是一个不学无术的人。 他的工作也老是不能按计划进行。
But, Jim is really good for nothing, and he’s always behind schedule for his work.
"It keeps the ignoramuses like you out of medical school, " replied the professor.
The image of the sons born from concubines is ignoble , foolish , unlearned and incapable inMing Dynasty's novel .
There's always this veneer of innocence, or lack of learning, or lack of sophistication; so, she is presenting herself as a simple person.