七年级期末作文题目 七年级下期末英语作文题目



我的老房子(My old house)

Today, i went to my old house. i lived in it two years ago. when i am at school, i often think of my old house because it made me happy in the past. my old house is very tidy but old. it has only one level and there are just two rooms in it. i slept with my mother and my father ever evening.

my old house is between two high houses, so it looks very small but lovely. when i lived in my old house, i often played with my sister at the weekends. but now i can’t, so i feel a little sad. two years ago, i could share my feelings with my parents too, but they were separate at last.

so my old house is my favourite place. if i have some trouble, i think of it and my parents, i’ll always get lots of energy. i will then forget the trouble soon. do you think my old house is a wonderful place? yes, it’s my great “palace.”


我去日本旅行(My Trip to Japan)

Japan was fun. it was very cool and windy. we flew kites in the park. i bought a watch there. i wanted to buy more, but i didn't have money. the gardens there were beautiful.

I liked them the best. the department stores were too big. i couldn't find mom. the food was delicious. we ate a lot of fish, and i also liked the vegetables and cake there. i hope i can go to japan one more time.



In the spring,everything become green,the grass come out,there are flowers everywhere.

In the summer,it's very hot,you can hear birds chirping in the tree and frogs singing in the riverside.

In the autumn, everything become yellow,the fruits are mature,and wheat is ripe,it's the harvest time.

In the winter, it snows here. Everything is covered with whiteness.

七年级期末作文题目 七年级下期末英语作文题目

How beautifel my hometown is!But I like winter the best.I can make a snowman and play outdoor.It is so exciting.



Great changes have taken place in China. Many new buildings have been built in cities, towns and villages.

The more cars we have, the more crowed the roads are. So the roads become wider and wider. Many overpasses (立交桥) have been built in big cities. Chinese people’s life is much better than ever before. We have Tv sets, washing machines, fridges, even computers, cars etc.

We’ll study harder and make our countrry stronger and more beautiful.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/226861/343497267.html


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