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David looked down. From where he was everything looked small. The creek looked like a shoelace, the trees looked like green toothbrushes. Then he looked up. He could see the top just above his friend's shoulder.


He secured another grip into the side of the mountain and pulled himself up. He would be glad when he got to the top. He hurt it last week when he fell off his bicycle. Suddenly, he felt a jolt. His left grip has come loose. He was hanging from his right.


He tried to reach up to put his left grip back into the cliff, but his shoulder was too score. His right grip was slipping. It couldn't hold all his weight. He cried out to his friend. There was no reply. David kept very still. If he moved too suddenly, the grip come out.

小学生英语故事阅读 小学生能看的英语故事阅读


He slowly anchored his feet into the cliff. Using all his strength he managed to get the left grip into the wall, just as his right grip give way. That was close, though David. I was almost a goner.



"Well," said Mel. "Our loan has been approved." "That's great news." said her best friends Sarah. "Now, we can open our own restaurant. Lets call it Good Eats!"


Now that Mel and Sarah had the money for their new place, they had a lot of work to do. First, they had to find a building to rent. Once they did that they started on the renovations. It took over four weeks and a lot of help from friends to get the restaurant ready. Then Sarah dealt with all the paperwork and licenses.


After six month of hard work and preparing it was ready for the grand opening. That night their friends came to the opening. Mel and Sarah served their best dishes.


At the end of the night, Mel and Sarah sat down admist the pile of dirty plates and empty glasses. "I'm proud of us, Sarah. Starting a new business is a big risk. Who knows if we will be successful in the long run or not? But I am glad we are taking the chance and doing something that we love." "Me too."



Mr. Nicolas waited. All the other kids were gone. Where was his son, Mark? It was 3:30. Mark got out of the school by 3:00. He was getting impatient. He went into the school to see if anyone has seen Mark.


His teacher said that he left with the other kids. Mr. Nicolas began to panic. He checked the school grounds. One of the other kids said they saw Mark get into a car with a strange man. Who was the man? Mr. Nicolas called the police. He said his son was missing.


Soon, everyone was looking for Mark. They checked all the parks, the malls, and the bus stations. He was nowhere. Mr. Nicolas went home, every saddened by the events of the day. When he walked in the door, he saw Mark. "Dad, where have you been all day?" Mr. Nicolas was shocked. "Mark, where have you been all day? I was worried about you."


"Oh," said MArk. "Mr. Smith, the next door neighbor, gave me a ride home. I have been here all day." Mr. Nicolas hugged his son. He was glad Mark was safe.



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