英文简历模板范文 英文简历模版


英文简历模板范文 英文简历模版


Nationality: Chinese Name:

The current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Residence: Guangzhou was: 168 cm 50 kg

Marital status: single age: 26

Job search intention and work experience

The type of talent: ordinary job

Position: accounting / Accounting: Accounting Clerk Finance Clerk, cashier Specialist / assistant foreign trade clerk & Secretary, file manager, a computer operator

Work experience: 3 Title: no title

Job type: full-time available - at any time

Salary requirements: 1000--1500 hope that the working area: Guangzhou

Personal experience: in 2004 07 months to now in core technology company clerk

Education background

University one is graduated from Guangzhou Engineering Technology: Career Academy

Education: college graduated -2007-01-01

Education training experience: 2003 04 Zhongshan University computer National Computer Rank Examination Certificate

In 2005 03 Guangdong University of Technology English the National English test scores qualified certificate

In 2007 09 months holding accounting certificate

Language ability

Foreign language: good English.

Mandarin Level: excellent Cantonese level: excellent

Self assessment

I am good at English, had participated in the CET - 4 level of test, and won the National Public English certificate. I can skillfully play five words, to master office2000 office software, computer skills, working with, but also learned accounting knowledge, technical secondary school graduate school at Guangzhou University, majored in business english. I would like to play to their strength and ability to your company, I have accounting certificate. Please your company to give me a chance


I was born in Beijing, China in 1945. In my early school years I attended Lao Song Primary School. After my graduation I entered the Beijing lst Girls School This is the best middle school in Beijing. Girls are admitted on the basis of a competitive entrance examination. During my middle school years I was very active in school activities while still maintaining a high academic record. Twice I won the first prize for the best in the Three Principles1) Outstanding grades, 2) moral character, and 3) Good health. This prize was a great honor. I regularly attended the youth Group and there I met several Americans who helped me to improve my English. Upon graduation from middle school I entered Beijing University. This was also on the basis of a competitive examination. It was a very frightening thing to take this test, because there was not enough room in Chinese Universities for every one who wished to attend. I was very fortunate to have a good background and a high scholastic average. These helped me a great deal.

I majored in Chemistry at Beijing University. This was mainly because I enjoyed it so much in middle school and I hoped some day to teach it in college or perhaps do some research. As an undergraduate I enjoyed all my courses, but I especially liked my major subject. My faculty advisor, Dr. Wen, helped me choose the courses which were of the most interest to me. He also encouraged me to do outside reading and research. With his help I became a lab assistant which broadened my knowledge of chemistry. Dr. Wen also strengthened my desire to study abroad and suggested several American Universities which had good reputations in my field. As a result of his encouragement and a great deal of study, I graduated from Beijing University with very high grades most at the top of my class.

In addition to my primary interest in chemistry, I have always been interested in Chinese literature and painting. While I was at the university, I took some painting and art courses. I found painting could relax me and enables me to see things in a better perspective when I was depressed or when I had a problem.

In the future my goal is to get my M. A. and my Ph.D. from an American University in the field of Chemistry. I plan to return to China to teach in a middle school or a University. This is because I feel very strongly that China needs better educated, better informed teachers.



gender national

Political affiliation census register

Date of birth marital status working time for 3 years

Technical title certified public accountants cultural degree bachelor degree major in professional business enterprise management

Graduate school Beijing financial institute

English level computer level salary requirements

Contact telephone number postal code

Correspondence address



In May 2008 - so far XX company planning department senior executives

Product advertising planning and cost control/planning promotion activities and arrange implementing/competing goods advertising daily monitoring, analysis, adjust product projects/market visiting survey. Make proposal, complete retail terminal improvement plan/for the market and sales data contrast analysis, formulated the next annual advertising proposal

Results: effective and reasonable market strategy so that the company's products XX become the famous brand, product sales steady ascend, reaches the expected sales targets.

Self evaluation

For many years working for large and medium-sized enterprises in the market, planning department, I accumulated the rich work experience, to grasp market trends, to carry out overall market planning and implementation have in-depth study and practice the market marketing and management undergraduate course. I work earnestly, responsible, like to accept new challenges and strive to complete.

Like ball games and mountain climbing, the university has let the school football team players. Also like singing, music, etc.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/226861/241004195.html


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