三胞胎英语 “三胞胎”英语怎么说

三胞胎英语 “三胞胎”英语怎么说

An extremely rare set of triplets born to a 12-year-old giant panda in Guangzhou last month seems to be doing well after a tricky start.

Ju Xiao, the panda mom, gave birth to the three cubs on July 29. They are believed to be the world's only surviving giant panda triplets.

There had been only three known cases of a giant panda having triplets — in 1967, 1999 and 2013. But all died in the first case and only one survived in the later two. Now, Ju Xiao has regained her strength and her three babies are all doing well.





文中的triplets就是“三胞胎”的意思,需要注意的是triplet用作名词时,解释为“三胞胎之一”,只有复数形式才指“三胞胎”。类似的“双胞胎”,我们在英语中用twins来表示,孪生姐妹就是twin sisters,孪生兄弟就是twin brothers。

此外,文中的tricky用作形容词,解释为“棘手的;需慎重对待的”,例如:This part is a bit tricky to understand.(这部分有点难理解。)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/226761/912597303.html


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