写封信向笔友介绍自己 给笔友写信介绍自己



Dear peter,

I am very glad to know you're coming to Qingdao on vacation.Now ,Let me tell you something about the weather in Qingdao.It is not very hot in summer and not very cold in weather.

And summer is the best season.Why?Beacause you can go to the beach.It's beautiful .And there are usually lots of people swimming in the sea or lying on the beach there,Do you like seafood?If you come,You enjoy much seafood here!

Your friend,



Dear friend,

My name is wangpeiwen. I live in xinyu ,China. l want a pen pal in the U.S.A. l think America is a interesting country.

I am 12 years old. My birthday is in December. I can speak Chinese and a little Englishi, I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. My favorite subjcut in scool is P.E. It's fun. There are three people in my family, They are my parents and l .Can you tell me soon?

Your friend,



Dear Ah Fang,

With this letter I would like to introduce myself to you as a new pen friend. I am eighteen years old and have just graduated from Central High School. High school studies in this country last four to six years. In a few months I will enter a universicty to study education. I hope to be a teacher.

写封信向笔友介绍自己 给笔友写信介绍自己

My interests, besides my studies, are art, music, and sports. I especially enjoy swimming, horseback riding, and skiing. It doesn't snow much where I live, so when the skiing season comes, I have to travel about ten hours away by car.

I am enclosing a photograph of myself. I would like to hear from you soon. Please tell me about yourself, your interests, and life in your country. I'm looking forward to being your pen friend and exchanging ideas on various subjects, even though we live so far away from each other.

Your friend,



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/226261/989464612.html


写给十年后的我的一封信 致十年后自己的一封信

亲爱的34岁的我:拜启!我是24岁的小丽,当我决定给你写这封信的时候,是冬日的一个周末,我坐在公园的长凳上,沐浴着温暖的阳光,拿着《世界名诗欣赏》,听着Angela Aki的“手纸 ~拝启 十五の君へ”,心潮澎湃,于是就起了给未来的自己写封信的冲动。现

给未来的自己写封信 寄给未来的自己作文


教学设计 综合复习之——《给外地亲友写封信》


给母亲的一封信作文 感恩作文《给母亲的一封信》


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