表示总结的英文单词 表示总结的英语短语



Due to 由于

Due to the nasty weather,there was a small audience.由于恶劣的天气,观众很少。

equally important 更重要的是

Due to the extreme cold, we were unable to plant the trees. 由于天气很冷, 所以我们无法去植树.

Equally important, the car drivers thirty miles on a gallon gas.同更重要的是,一加仑的汽油能让一辆汽车跑商30英里。 Equally important - both men are in sport because they love it. 同样重要的是 - 他们参加这项运动都是因为对滑雪的热爱.

eventually 最后

Eventually he would have to venture out. 到时候,他非冒险出去不可.

Eventually, they evolved into giraffes. 最终, 它们进化成了长颈鹿.

for this reason 基于这种原因

For this reason, we have an interesting proverb.基于此种理由,我们有一句有趣的谚语。


Finally I bought a house. 我终于买了栋房子。

Finally The moon peeped out from behind the clouds. 月亮终于从云层后面露了出来. for one thing 首先

For one thing, it’s an exercise; and for another, it’s an entertainment. 首先,它是一种运动;其次,它是一种娱乐。

Generally speaking...总体来说 Generally speaking, parents love their children. 一般说来, 父母爱他们的孩子.

Generally speaking, the coldest weather comes in January. 一般来说, 一月的天气是最冷的.


Giraffes are eating leaves on trees. 长颈鹿吃着树上的叶子。

Giraffes have very long necks. 长颈鹿的脖子很长。


hence 因此

Hence the hen cries whenever it sees a chicken. 从此每当那只母鸡看见小鸡时就叫 Hence, she drew near these things. 因此, 她就向这些东西靠近.

in a word 总之

In a word, he tires of everything. 简言之, 他对一切都感到厌倦了.

In a word, I can't go out as I have many things to do. 总而言之, 我不能出去,因为我有许多事情要做.

表示总结的英文单词 表示总结的英语短语

In a word, you found out something you had not known before. 一句话, 你弄懂你以前不明白的事.

in brief 简言之

In brief, your work is bad. 总之, 你做得不好.

In brief, the matter stands thus. 简单地说, 事情是这样的.

in conclusion 总;最后

In conclusion she wished her comrades every success in their work. 最后她祝同志们工作顺利.

In conclusion, I would like to thank you for your attention.最后, 谢谢各位的听讲.

in short 简而言之

In short, we must be prepared. 总而言之, 我们要有准备.

In short, I should make that choice.总之, 我的选择就是这样.

in summary 简要地说

In summary , three main points have to be kept in view. 总的来说, 要记住三个要点. In summary, humans have a lot going for them. 总之, 人类有很多有利条件.

in sum 总之;简而言之

In sum , Ivan fell in love with her at first sight. 她给他的生活带来了阳光.

In sum anything looks good on her slender figure. 总之,她身材好,看上去一切都好.

Just as 正如

Just as I haven't good eyes, neither have my children.就好像我视力不好, 我的孩子们视力都不好.

Just because 只是因为

Just because you speak English doesn’t mean you can teach it. 你会说英语并不意味着你能教英语。

Just because you’re old doesn’t mean you have to be idle.



Keep保持; 保留

Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止。 Keep your hands off me; or I'll knock you down. 不要碰我,当心我把你打倒在地。 Keep straight on until you get to the church. 一直朝前走就走到教堂了。

last but not least最后但同样重要的;

Last but not least, h e could play the saxophone. 最后同样重要的是,他能演奏萨克斯管。 Last but not least, more exercises help us keep healthy and fit. 最后, 多做运动能够使我们保持健康.

Last but not least, he should be an honest person. 最后是最重要的, 它应该是一位诚实的人.

Likewise adv.同样地; 也,而且;

Likewise, nicotine will disrupt your sleep. 同样地,尼古丁会破坏你的睡眠。 Likewise, the one who received two made another two.

同样, 那领了两个的,也赚了另外两个.

Moreover 此外 Moreover, They expected to remove their houses. 另外,他们期望能迁移他们的房屋。

Moreover, I saw many fine mountain sceneries on the way. 还有, 在路上,我还欣赏到了许多漂亮的山景. Meanwhile adv.同时,其间

Meanwhile, there are deals to be made.与此同时,还有一些交易要达成。

Meanwhile, heat the tomatoes and oil in a pan. 同时,在平底锅里将西红柿和油加热。

needless to say 当然,不用说; 不必说; 不待说;

Needless to say, Gupta was not happy. 不用说,古普塔高兴不起来。

Needless to say, he never came again. 很明显, 他再也没有来.

Needless to say, learning without thinking is useless. 不用说, 学而不思则罔.

Nonetheless 英][ˌnʌnðəˈles][美][ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs] adv.虽然如此,但是;

Nonetheless, she was finding Tollifer a most diverting person. 不过, 她还是发现都力弗是个非常有趣的人物.

Nonetheless, that was almost ten years ago. 不过, 那也是好多年前的事.

Nevertheless [英][ˌnevəðəˈles][美][ˌnɛvəðəˈlɛs] adv.然而; 尽管如此; 不过; 仍然; conj.然而; 尽管如此;

Nevertheless it is hard work. 这仍然是项繁重的工作。 Nevertheless Winston did not speak for another moment or two. 但是温斯顿还是继续沉默了一两分钟.


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