挤满的英文短语 承诺的英文短语



巴黎承诺 Paris commitments

订货承诺 Order Promising

组织承诺 Organizational Commitment

服务承诺 Service Promise

承诺条款 undertaking clause

兑现承诺 fulfill a promise

承诺升级 Escalation of Commitment

承诺 Make a promise


1. The Prime Minister has promised that Israel will play a constructive role.


2. He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.


3. Mr Dudley has pledged to give any award to charity.


4. How can you expect me to believe your promises?


5. The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.


6. Would Bethany return of her own free will, as she had promised?


挤满的英文短语 承诺的英文短语

7. The government has committed billions toward defraying the costs of the war.


8. Official speeches in recent days have been larded with promises of democracy.


9. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.


10. Jordan promised to trim the city budget without cutting essential services.


11. His tax-cutting pledge brought a delirious crowd to their feet.


12. In the treaty both sides pledge to respect human rights.


13. It is an open question how long that commitment can last.


14. Dearest Maria, Aren't I terrible, not coming back like I promised?


15. The President promised a government open to public scrutiny.



1. 我体谅你可能事先已另有承诺。

I appreciate that you may have prior commitments.

2. 你应当谨慎做出承诺。

You should be careful when making a promise.

3. 年龄大的护士规范承诺和代价承诺高;

Old nurses had higher normative commitment and cost commitment.

4. 大多数捐助者已承诺继续履行其对援助开支的承诺。

Most donors have promised to keep to their commitments for aid spending.

5. 作出承诺容易,实现承诺不易。

It is easier to make a promise than to keep a promise.

6. 但是除非双方都同意更改,否则承诺就是承诺,不能反悔。

But the promise is the promise until both sides agree to change it.

7. 承诺如不是双方认可的就不成其为承诺。

Commitment is not commitment without two consenting parties.

8. 我的直觉告诉我我们的新老板做的比承诺的还要宽厚、大方。

My intuition tells me that our new boss is better than his word.

9. 如客户应许作推荐人,承诺加强业务合作。

Hold out the promise of business for the client if he cooperates.


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