经典美文摘抄及赏析 关于经典英语美文摘抄赏析

通过美文的赏析,陶冶学生的思想情操,开阔视野,提高对优美散文的鉴赏能力,提高人文素养;同时培养学生的认知水平、情感态度、文化意识,激发学习英语的兴趣,为他们的跨文化交际能力和终身学习英语的能力打下良好的基础。 小编分享关于经典英语美文,希望可以帮助大家!


Even if you are naturally shy, these three tricks will help you to quickly build a new social circle in any new city.

Take Pictures

One of the great things about taking pictures at an event or party is that it gives you an excuse to get in touch with the person later. Everybody loves seeing pictures of themselves, and it's very easy after taking a picture to say "Are you on Facebook?" or "If you'd like I can email it to you."

This can be the seed that leads to new connections. The next time you hear about a fun event email your new contacts to let them know about it.

Eat Alone In Public

If you don't know anyone in a new city, it can be tempting to order take-out and retreat back to your lonely apartment or hotel room. Instead, try eating by yourself in public as often as possible.

You might feel self-conscious eating by yourself but it has an important benefit: you are much easier to approach when you are alone. People may be afraid of interrupting you or being rude if you are in a conversation with someone else.

Bring a book or newspaper to read (this will make you feel less self conscious). Plus, having an interesting book with you will give others an excuse to start a conversation if they've read it.

Join A Class, sports Team, Or Club

yoga, salsa dancing, volleyball, jogging, Toastmasters (a Public Speaking club), a class for work, martial arts, etc. Take up a new hobby or continue an old one!

These are all great places to meet new people, primarily because you will be forced to see the same people over and over again in the class. You will automatically make friends with them if you have a common interest and are forced to see each other again.

If you're having troubling thinking of a good one to join, try browsing the many clubs on MeetUp.com or the events on CraigsList.com

Bonus Tips:

* In the beginning, never turn down an invitation from someone, even if it's something you wouldn't normally do.

* Email your new friends with fun things to do instead of always asking what their plans are. If they have a better plan you can always still drop yours and join them. This will help establish you as someone who is contributing value instead of just taking it (people want this in a friend).

* Don't let little things in life piss you off or be a negative person. Others won't want to be around you!


I'm not sure when I first fell in love with you... I guess it could have been as early as that first time we held each other, or the first time I realized that you kind of liked me, too.

I'm not sure; I just remember thinking of you more and more and getting less and less done in the process!

I remember wanting you to stay so badly - and being so thrilled at the thought.

I remember praying that it was you whenever the phone would ring, but at the same time hoping it wasn't; because I didn't know how in the world I was going to sound romantic and impressive when what I felt was anxious and tongue-tied.

经典美文摘抄及赏析 关于经典英语美文摘抄赏析

Sometimes it still amazes me - how I get so anxious and thrilled and thoughtful about you; I guess maybe it's because I just keep falling wonderfully in love with you... over and over again.


I think that we should all have two lives. One to live to make mistakes and then one to come back and do it again. You know so you don't make mistakes. I mean because parents will not tell you things - nobody ever tells you. Parents don't want to sit down and really garb(服装,装束) and say: well now this is what this is about and this is why we are doing this and this - No it's a big secret!

When I got married I said to my father, "I'm going to get married, can you help me?" He said no. I went to my mother, I said "I'm going to get married, Ma, tell me something about it." She said, "Oh, that's wonderful. Your father and I have never argued, and he's just been wonderful all through life. "Which is a lie! Lie! I heard him in there, and, "I'll now tell you another thing I'll take your arm and rip it off and rararara..."

And now in my marriage, my wife and I love each other but I will tell you in a minute we've had some arguments! I mean I've never punched her and she's never punched me but we've had some arguments, I've called her some names that I was proud I even thought of. And my wife has run some of on me that I've written down, yeah, but nobody will tell you that. The only person who ever made an attempt was a priest. Think about that. A priest! Said, "I'll tell you about it," I beg your pardon.

Marriage, you can't beat it. The first day we got married, both of us scared and everything, there we got married and we went to our hotel room for our honeymoon and just stared at each other - just sat there on the edge of the bed with our clothes on looking at each other. Then finally we got in the car and went to the drive-in and then we knew what to do.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/225861/272499986.html


秋天的美文摘抄及赏析 描写秋天的美文欣赏及优美句子

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经典美文摘抄及感悟 生活经典感悟摘抄大全

   生活经典感悟摘抄大全  1、爱情路,有点雾,雾散留下了露珠。这露珠丰满了爱的泥土。爱情路,弯弯路,弯得像一串珍珠。每一步都有简单的领悟。答应你,我不会再庸庸碌碌;答应我,你不要再嘀嘀咕咕。每个朝朝暮暮,我都要和你共度。

经典美文摘抄及感悟 生活经典感悟摘抄大全(2)

     生活经典感悟摘抄大全  11、我曾经是个无泪的天使当遇到我心爱的王子流泪坠入凡间但我不后悔因为我知道有他的陪伴我依然会是个无泪幸福的天使  12、情是零度的冰,友情是零度的水,也许我们是最好的冰水混

经典美文摘抄及感悟 生活经典感悟摘抄大全(3)

     生活经典感悟摘抄大全  21、失去只是一种姿势,得到并不等同于幸福。  22、真理和美女都是赤裸裸的。  23、我们看错了这个世界,却说世界欺骗了我们。  24、我们人这一辈子不是别人的楷模,就是别人的

经典美文摘抄及感悟 生活经典感悟摘抄大全(4)

     生活经典感悟摘抄大全  31、人生的经历就像铅笔一样…开始很尖…经历的多了也就变得圆滑了…如果承受不了就会断了。  32、在你往上爬的时候,一定要保持梯子的整洁,否则你下来时可能会滑倒。  33、人生

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