

One Los Angeles woman didn't have to hold her breath while she waited for her girlfriend toanswer her marriage proposal - but that's because she had her scuba diving equipment thereto supply her with oxygen.

Markie Miller, 28, popped the question to Sarah Hu, 27, underwater, bringing along romanticsigns so she could ask her girlfriend to marry her in the Atlantic Ocean.


28岁的玛基·米勒(Markie Miller)在水下向27岁的女友萨拉·胡(Sarah Hu)求婚,她还随身带了一些浪漫的字牌帮助自己在大西洋“问”女友愿不愿意和她结婚。


But while Sarah is an avid scuba diver and marine biologist, Markie, who works in film, toldBuzzFeed that she didn't know a thing about diving - so she had to get secretly certified to pulloff the unique proposal.


The California couple had been together for six and a half years when Markie asked Sarah to beher wife.


Markie had been planning to learn to scuba dive for a while in order to join Sarah, who had beendoing it for eight years, on a dive, but she just hadn't gotten around to it yet.


That is, until she had her brilliant proposal idea. But Markie still wanted it to be a surprise, soshe secretly attended classes to get her certification. She would leave all of her equipment at afriend's house, pick it up before class, and head back there to shower before going home.


Sarah is used to Markie working long hours on short notice, so she wasn't at all suspicious ofher suddenly busy schedule.


Then, on June 13, Sarah was set to go for a dive at LA's Redondo Beach with her brother andsome friends.

于是到了6月13日这一天,萨拉准备和哥哥还有一些朋友去洛杉矶雷东多海滩(Redondo Beach)潜水。

She had no idea that Markie was already there, prepared to give her the surprise of her life.


'I was nervous that it wouldn't work out exactly as planned, but I tried to be calm and be readyfor anything,' Markie said.


When Sarah was 20ft underwater, Markie - unrecognizable under all of her gear - swam up toher and held up set of signs that read: 'I told you I'd go to the bottom of the ocean for yourlove… but right now I'm only certified to 60 feet. Will you marry me?'


Sarah, clearly ecstatic, held her hand up to her face and nodded her head. The two embracedbefore swimming back up to the surface, where a giddy Sarah chastised her brother for notfollowing safety protocol - which mandates that everyone diving know the plan before the dive.


She said: 'It wasn't in my dive plan to surface with a fiancé!'


'I was so blown away by how Markie was even underwater and how my brother and some of mybest friends were also witnessing this!' said Sarah. 'It was an amazing surprise. I am still assurprised that she can dive as I am that I am engaged!”


Once they were back on solid ground, Markie went down on one knee and gave Sarah a ring.


The U.S. Supreme Court legalised nationwide marriage equality for same-sex couples just twoweeks later.


The gorgeous couple plan to get married next year.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/225361/880087766.html




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