少儿英语故事 关于少儿英语故事材料精选


关于少儿英语故事材料:Sara Went Shopping

Sara Smith, a Pasadena resident, went shopping. She is 30, and has lived at 3037 N. Foothill Street since 1992. Sara has been married to John for seven years. They have two children; Bob is five years old and Nancy is three. Sara owns a 1995 four-door blue Toyola. At 9 a.m., Sara got into her car and drove to Barget, a department store a mile away.

Barget was having a holiday sale. Sara bought a four-slice toaster for $29.95 plus tax. The regular price was $39.95. She paid by check. On her way home, Sara stopped at MilkPlus to buy a gallon of nonfat milk. The milk was $3.50. Sara got 50 cents back in change.

Sara arrived home at 10 a.m. John and the kids were still sleeping. She woke them up and then made a hot and nutritious breakfast for everyone.

关于少儿英语故事材料:Writers Go on Strike

“A DVD retails for $10 or more. Out of that, we writers currently get 4 or 5 cents. We’re asking to get 8 cents per DVD. The producers and others say we’re asking for too much.” That is television writer Saul Bloom’s argument as to why the Writers Guild of America is going on strike tomorrow.

The strike by TV and movie writers will greatly affect TV and movie production. The last such strike, in 1988, cost the industry half a billion dollars. That strike lasted five months. Such a strike affects everyone in the business, from TV and movie industry executives all the way down to the people selling popcorn at local movie theaters.

All movies currently in production that require the skills of active writers will halt production. TV networks will substitute new game shows and “reality” shows that don’t require professional writers. In addition, of course, there will be plenty of reruns. TV viewers in search of fresh programs might have to switch to cable TV or rent DVDs. A recent nationwide poll indicates that the general public strongly supports the writers, who are thought to be underpaid and unappreciated.

“Writers are too demanding,” complained Reese Majors, vice president of CEC Entertainment, a production company with seven shows airing weekly on network TV. “They think they are so special. All they do is type a bunch of words onto a piece of paper. My six-year-old can do that. They claim that writing is work. But how can it be work when it is done in the comfort of their homes? How can you call sitting at home ‘work’? The actors and the crew have to go on location, where they must battle the cold, the heat, the jet lag, and the loneliness of being away from home. No home cooking for them—they have to eat catered meals. But you don’t hear them whining for four more cents per DVD!”

关于少儿英语故事材料:Don’t Get Mad

“Look out!” Kane heard the shout and turned around to see who was shouting. A second later, a mountain biker whooshed past him. The biker turned his head and shouted “Bikes only, asshole!” and disappeared from view. Kane was walking on a mountain bike trail. He had already seen a sign saying Bikers Only, but he had figured that the trail in the woods was wide enough for him and for the bikers.

少儿英语故事 关于少儿英语故事材料精选

This was public land. Who were bikers to hog this trail for themselves, he thought. Where was he supposed to take his nature walks—through the spider webs and the underbrush? And who did that biker think he was, to call Kane a name? The more he thought, the angrier he got. He’d fix them.

The next Saturday, he visited the trail again, but this time with a shovel. It was an old GI shovel that he still had from his Army days. It was small but efficient. He found a slight curve in the trail and, just after sunrise, he started digging. He dug a ditch all the way across the bike trail. The ditch was four inches deep and twelve inches wide. He would have liked to hang around and watch the action, but there was no place to conceal himself. Maybe later he could set up one of those spy cameras people use for home security, he thought as he walked back to his car. Then he could upload the really good crashes to the Internet.

An hour later, a 15-year-old girl hit the ditch. She flew through the air and landed among some small trees. Because she was wearing a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads, all she suffered were bruises, scratches, and a sprained wrist. Her $700 bike was moderately damaged. She used her cell phone to call her dad. Despite her soreness, she stood guard on the trail to warn others.

Police investigated the scene of the "accident." An officer said if they caught who dug the ditch, the culprit would be charged with felony vandalism, which might result in a year in prison.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/225361/378415090.html


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