小学生有趣的故事大全 有趣的小学英语故事大全



A grasshopper sat chirping in the branches of a tree.

A fox hear her, and, thinking what a dainty morsel she would make, he tried to get her down by a trick.

Standing below in full view of her, he praised her song in the most flattering terms, and begged her to descend5, saying he would like to make the acquaintance of the owner of so beautiful a voice.

But she was not to be taken in, and replied, "You are very much mistaken, my dear sir, if you imagine I am going to come down: I keep well out of the way of you and your kind ever since the day when I saw numbers of grasshoppers6 wings strewn about the entrance to a fox's earth."


Frog and Bullock

A frog that watched a bullock grazing near resolved she'd try her best to match his girth and height. She was an envious frog. See how she puffs and swells and strains with all her might.

"Come, tell me, quickly dear, am I as big as he?" she asks a froggy friend.

"Oh no, my dear, not nearly."

"Now just you watch me stretch! Look close, and tell me clearly. Well, then! You see? I'm filling out?"

"It don't seem much to me."

"Well -- now?"

"Just like you were at first."

At last her wild attempts the bounds of nature passed, she never swelled to bullock's size, but strained so hard, she cracked and burst.

She's not the first, and not the last. No wonder, when the little shop man tries to match the splendor5 of the Provost's board. And Hodge the farmer's son spends money like a lord.



Mr. Hippo often wears a hat,He’s a great magicion。

Now he is performing on the stage,He takes off his hat and shows it to everybody。

It’s empty inside,Then he puts a little handkerchief on i——Now the rabbit puts his hand inside it And he catches one white pigeon

The white pigeon flaps his wings and flies away A fox sees this His mouth begins to water He says You are great Mr. Hippo

Could you please make Then Mr. hippo covers the hatwith the handkerchief muttering at the same time

The fox runs up to the stage and says

Let me have a try this time

He can’t wait for Hippo’s answer

And put his hands in the hat

He tires his best to seizes a pigeon

But suddenly he cries out

It is a hedgehog this time

小学生有趣的故事大全 有趣的小学英语故事大全

The hedgehog stabs him and runs away

The fox is hurt badly in his hand

and everybody laughs at him

Then he leaves the stage


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/225361/111276333.html


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