销售经理英文简历范文 银行客户经理英文简历范文


Director of Training, First Nationwide Bank


-Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.

-M.B.A. and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.

-Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.

-Unique combination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.

-Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.


MORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-present

Director of Sales and Training

Managed eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.

-Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.

-Reported directly to the president of the company.

MAUDLIN MORTGAGE, Rustic City CA 1990-1994

Loan Officer

Developed expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.

-Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.

-Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.

COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90

Director, Administrative and Fiscal Services

DREYDEN BEVERAGES, Hayward, CA 1985-1987

Senior Internal Auditor

销售经理英文简历范文 银行客户经理英文简历范文

BLOUCHER MELON & CO., San Francisco, CA1980-1985

Senior Accountant

-For this Big Eight accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (computer services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/225161/120243034.html


销售经理个人简历范文 酒店经理个人简历范文


销售经理个人简历范文 企业经理个人简历范文2014

   姓名:  民族:汉族  年龄:35岁  联系电话:xxxxxx  人才类型:普通求职  应聘职位:商务经理/主管  工作年限:12  月薪要求:3500--5000  希望工作地区:天津  工作经历:  公司名称:天津艾克服装有限公司 20

应聘销售经理求职信 销售经理求职信范文

  销售经理求职信范文  尊敬的领导:  感谢您从百忙之中抽出时间来看这封求职信!在外打拼三年的我,久闻贵公司是一家相当有实力有前景的公司,对员工要求严格,正在招聘人才加盟,于是,本人写此自荐信,诚挚的希望成国贵公司的一员! 

销售公司年终总结范文 销售经理年终总结范文

 销售经理年终总结范文6篇  销售经理年终总结范文1  古语有云:磨刀不误砍柴工。就是放在今天的社会工作中,也深刻的指引和提示着我们。要在进取工作的基础上,先找准思想方向,即要有着明确的意识感观和积极的工作态度,方能付诸

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