关于讨论学习英语情景对话一:A: Hello, Linda. (你好,琳达。)
B: Hello, Bob. How are you?(你好,鲍勃。你怎么样?)
A: I am very frustrated about my English exam. (我的英语考试让我很郁闷。)
I think English is too difficult, and I don't like it. (我觉得英语太难了,我不喜欢英语。)
B: Well, English is not that hard at all.(哦,其实英语根本没有那么难。)
As long as you try your best you can speak English very well.
(只要你尽力学,你也可以说一 口流利的英语。)
I have confidence in you. Don't give up. (我对你有信心,别气馁。)
A: I think you are right,and I need to work harder. (我觉得你说的有道理,我需要再努努 力。)
Thank you for your encouragement.(谢谢你的鼓励。)
B: It's my pleasure. (我很愿意帮助你。)
关于讨论学习英语情景对话二:Amy: What's up, Michael? You look down today.
Michael: I got a "C" again in the English exam. What do you think I should do?
Amy: Well, English is a "paper tiger". Its natural enemy is adequate practice.
Michael: I did practice a lot, like doing lots of reading comprehension exercises every day.
Amy: Well, I suggest that every day you do some reading aloud, and try to speak more .That will help cultivate your sense of the language, which is essential for English learning.
Michael: I see. I'll give it a try.
关于讨论学习英语情景对话三:A: Dad, I got a C for English again, but I had done my best.
B: Well, don't give up. You know, English is very useful. It is one of the international working languages, and most of the international business letters are written in English, too.
A: Really? Is English spoken by people outside Britain and the USA?
B: Yes. There are a lot of other countries where English is spoken.
A: How can I study English well, Dad?
B: First, you have to learn how to pronounce. English has twenty-six letters and fifty sounds. A, e, i, o, u are vowels and the other letters are consonants, but sometimes the letter y can be a vowel.
A: So where should I start from?
B: In my school, there is a pronunciation course. It is made up of seven parts.
Part one. The consonants.
b /b/ bed book bench box banana bird body boy barber button bubble rubber
silent b bomb bomber thumb lamb crumb comb numb debt doubt
c /k/ cap count car coffee cat cow cake cup cream comet collect comic topic account tobacco
soft c cease cent circle citizen agency policy
d /d/ die dead divide middle desk doctor deer duck dance dancer dog door
d handsome handkerchief landscape Wednesday
f food four family foot five fork fence father
g /g/ garden gate golf gate goat goose gold geese giggle guest guard fatigue league
g sign design designer foreign foreigner campaign
soft g gem general giant ginger gym energy Egypt Egyptian
g garage massage mirage
h hare hat hatch helmet horse house hat hen head home hand hammer
j jet judo jump jeans jacket jam jar jeep
k keen karate kidnap kite kangaroo kiss kitchen key kettle king kick
silent k knock knob knee kneel knit knife knight
l label level lake lip leaf lemon live light lion
m madman mailman madam man map monkey moon mother mouth milk math
n noon afternoon change angel danger nail napkin nest net nose number nurse
silent n condemn
p pooped cripple pants park pen pair pencil path pig pink
silent p psalm psychology receipt cupboard pneumonia
qu quarrel quarter queen question quiet quilt conquer liquor antique unique technique
r rope ring rug rock rabbit rainbow rooster rose rear prefer repair
s sun sofa silver silk sink sign six seven crisis useful basin
s=z as has is was yours his hers does choose easy possess dissolve hands swims busses quizzes
silent s island islet aisle debris
t table tea tin ten teacher toe towel two
silent t whistle wrestle castle hustle hasten listen fasten bouquet ballet buffet
v vase veil village van vest vomit vest violin
w Walkman window wall wash woman wind word
silent w wreath wrong write wrist wrinkle two sword answer

x ax box X-ray excite excuse expect extra execute exit expert
x=gz example exact exhaust exhibit
y yam yellow yoyo yard year yacht
z zero zipper zoo zebra
Part two. The short vowels.
a apple bag cat map fan mat hat bat
e egg bed bell well net pen red
i lick six bib hill ink kiss pin pig
o ox on octopus box socks operate ostrich
u sun umbrella uncle under cup bus nut gun
Part three. Vowel digraphs and the semivowels.
ai tail rain paint pain rail nail maid jail
ai chair pair said
ai aisle Taipei Taiwanese
ai fountain mountain certain curtain
ay hay ray May bay way say pay lay
ay says
ay Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
ee reeds eel bee peel jeep feet sea teeth
ee coffee committeeee fianceeei receipt ceiling seize either neither
ei vein reign feign neighbor eight
ei=e heir
ey key
ey obey hey they
ea=ee sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf pea
ea=e bear feather head lead leather pear sweat sweater
ea real really realize idea ideal
oa road boat coat coal soap toad goat toast
ow rainbow pillow yellow bowl hollow row low
ui suit juice fruit
y sky my fly type shy spy dry
y puppy happy rainy sunny dizzy dirty pony baby crystal typical
Part four. Consonant digraphs.
sh dish fish ship sheep push shovel shoes shirt
ch beach bench chair church cheese lunch chicken cherry
th father mother feather leather brother
th three bath bathmat thief thumb teeth thirsty
wh whale white wheel wheat whip whistle wheelchair whisper
ph photo phone elephant trophy pharmacy alphabet
Part Five. Magic e and special vowel pairs,
a-e cape tape name
e-e these
i-e bite kite five
o-e rose nose rope note
u-e tube cube June
ou count house fountain mouse mouth out shout
ow brown clown cow crown owl towel tower
oi coin coil oil boil noise point poison soil
oy boy oyster cowboy soy toy
oo boots moon roof rooster spoon zoo
oo cookie book foot cook look hook woods wool woolen
oo=o-e brooch
au August sauce sausage naughty applause
aw paw draw saw straw stawberry lawn
eau beauty beautiful
eau bureau bureaux beau beaux
eo=e leopard jeopardy
eo=ee people
ie=ee belief grief chief siege series
ie=e friend friendly
oa=aw broad abroad broadcast
ow=o knowledge
Part six. R-controlled vowels.
or fort porch pork horse horn morning
ar are arm armchair car card cartur turtle nurse purse burn turn
ir girl dirt dirty skirt shirt
er mermaid were her
ear pearl earn learn
our nourish
Part seven. Other vowels.
al install tall wall call ball all salt always talk walk
ew dew few view hew new newspaper nephew
A: What should I do after I learn the pronunciation?
B: You should learn the vocabulary and grammar. English has a large vocabulary which consists of words from different languages, such as French, German, Dutch, Arab, Greek and so on. English also has an easy grammar.
A: But Dad, English is so hard to learn.
B: It is hard, but do you know the proverb "Where there is a will, there is a way"?
A: I do. I will work harder next semester, Dad.