


1.She lives in Shanghai. (就画线部分提问)

2.He's got a new friend. (一般疑问句)

3.I'm from China. (就画线部分提问)

4.I'm nine years old. (就画线部分提问)

5.He's from Canada.(同义句) He _______ ________ Canada.

6.You are an Englishman.(否定句)

7.They helped the children. (否定句)


8.He helped the old grandparents. (一般疑问句)

9.Did he clean the room? (否定回答)

10.She lives in Hong Kong. (否定句)

11.I went to school yesterday morning. (一般疑问句)

12.He cooked a dinner for us. ( 一般疑问句)

13.They often help other people. ( 一般疑问句)

14.My grandma usually painted. ( 一般疑问句)

16.He gets up at eight twelve. (否定句)

17.She usually walks back home. (否定句)

18.Yesterday was his birthday. (否定句)

19.Lingling painted a picture and wrote a letter. (否定句)

20.She's got a pretty dress. (否定句)


They played on playground.(一般疑问句)

He likes cooking at home. (一般疑问句)

Mary is studying now. (一般疑问句)

Did you clean your room? (否定回答)

Were there some good things? (肯定回答)

She learned these things yesterday.(否定句)

They walked to school yesterday.(否定句)

He washes some dishes every evening. (否定句)

She didn't get up at seven thirty. (同义句)

They go to school by bike. ( 同义句)

She learned Maths yesterday.( 对画线部分提问)

My aunt usually walks to work. (一般疑问句)

The little boy played with his brother. (就画线部分提问)

We usually go to school on Mondays. (对画线部分提问)

It was raining.(就天气提问)

Ms Guo was a good teacher.(否定句)

American people invented the phone.(否定句)

Chinese people invented printing.(一般疑问句)

It's a good idea.(感叹句)

Look at the man on the bicycle.(否定句)

We went swimming yesterday evening.(否定句)

They were good friends.(一般疑问句)

Did you learn the music?(否定句)

He goes to school by bus.(否定句)


1. 这个学期你们有多少门学科?

___________ ___________ ___________do you have this term?

2. 现在是上体育课的时间,让我们一起去操场吧。

It’s time ___________ ___________. Let’s go to the ___________.

3. 你喜欢什么课?我喜欢英语,它是有趣的。

What __________ do you like? I like ____________. It’s ___________.

4. 星期五早上你有什么课?

___________ ___________ do you have on___________ ___________.

5. 苏洋每天有一节游泳课。

Su Yang___________a ___________lesson ___________ ___________.

6. 星期日是一周的第一天。

__________ is the first ___________ of a week.

7. 迈克在下午有一节美术课。

Mike has __________ __________ __________ in the afternoon.

8. 这条连衣裙对我来说太大了。

This dress ________ _________ _________ for me..

9. 你的英语书在哪里? 它在椅子的下面。

_________ your _________ book ? It’s _________ the _________.

10. 现在几点钟了? 十二点二十五分。

________ ________ is it now ? It’s ________ ___________.

11. There are some _______ (policeman) in the street.

12. Jenny, is this ________ (you) pencil?

13. Super girl can ___________ (cook) dinner for me.

14. ____________ (not open) the door. It’s cold.

15. These ________ (child) have pets. They are ________ (dog).

16. The big box of _______ (peach) is for my mother.

17. How many ________ (fly) are there in the cage?

18. Our ________ (bicycle) are new and big.

19. Here are ____________ (old dress).

20. The pupils have got___________ (sunglass) for the picnic.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/224761/277489197.html


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