A: Does your chicken taste all right?
B: The chicken tastes wonderful, but it is kind of dry. Is your fish OK?
A: My fish has good seasoning but is a little dry.
B: It seems as if they got busy and left it sitting before it got to us.
A: Yes, maybe they are short-handed in the kitchen tonight.
B: Are your vegetables a little mushy?
A: The vegetables seem to not be very fresh.
B: Mine aren't so good, either.
A: I usually enjoy the meals here, so I think that we should tell the waiter that there is something wrong with this meal.
B: I think that we should let someone know. They will probably want to fix theproblem.
A: Did you enjoy the restaurant?
B: I didn't really like it all that much.
A: What do you think the problem was?
B: Well, they are pretty new. I just didn't feel that they were ready to open yet.
A: How did you feel about the food?
B: The food wasn't all that exciting.
A: I didn't think that the service was good, either.
B: Yes, the service certainly didn't add to the experience.
A: Would you like to return to this restaurant?
B: Maybe we could try it again in a few months when things have settled down.
A: Hey George, how is your chicken?
B: My chicken tastes all right, but it is pretty dry. How is your fish?
A: My fish is pretty dry too.
B: It's almost as if this food has been sitting a little too long. It doesn't seemfresh.
A: Yes, it seems that way to me also.
B: How are your vegetables?
A: My vegetables are very soggy.
B: Mine are the same way. It seems like they've been overcooked.
A: I don't usually complain, but I think that we should mention this to the waiter.
B: I agree. Maybe they can bring us some better food.
A: What a wonderful dinner!
B: Thank you. I am glad that you are enjoying it.
A: Where did you get your fantastic recipes?
B: I grew up cooking. My mother shared her recipes with me.
A: I especially like the wonderful chicken dish.
B: That is a special coconut ginger chicken with rice dish.

A: Is that shrimp in the soup?
B: Yes, do you like it? I added a little extra lemon grass and some sea vegetables.
A: I am happy that the wine I brought for you works well with this meal.
B: Yes, thank you for bringing the wine. It really complements the meal.
A: Well, here is your breakfast!
B: Thanks so much. Miss, I believe I ordered my eggs scrambled, and these are fried.
A: Sorry, your friend over there ordered fried eggs, and I gave you his by mistake.
B: Oh yeah. Here, I will just trade with him.
A: Here are your pancakes, sir.
B: But I ordered waffles!
A: Oh, I am so sorry!
B: That's OK. I will eat my eggs and bacon, and you can take my pancakes back.
A: Good, sir. I will take care of that right away.
B: Thank you so much!