草莓 [cǎo méi]n. strawberry
misc. berries
短语草莓属 Fragaria ; Strawberry
日本草莓 Fragaria nipponica ; 草莓危机 Strawberry Panic! ; Strawberry Panic ; Madhouse
草莓秋千 Strawberry Swing ; coldplay - strawberry swing ; hey strawberry swing ; two opposites that never meet
草莓妹 DALKI ; Nomy
草莓山 Strawberry Hill ; strawberry hill

东方草莓 Fragaria orientalis ; Fragaria orientalis Lozinsk ; Fragaria orientalis Losina-Losinsk ; oriental strawberry
草莓啤酒 Strawberry Beer ; strawberry beer
草莓冰 Strawberry ice ; strawberry ices
新汉英大辞典草莓 [cǎo méi]
{植} strawberry (草莓属 Fragaria 植物的泛称)
短语:草莓花色 fraise;
草莓花纹章 fraise;
草莓醛 strawberry aldehyde;
草莓色 strawberry;
草莓舌 strawberry tongue;
草莓素 oxamycin; cycloserine
We have some nice strawberries. www.ebigear.com
The strawberries have just come in. 《新英汉大辞典》
We have three flavors of ice-cream, vanilla chocolate and strawberry. www.ebigear.com
The heart is colored with strawberry jam and the arrow uses cocoa powder.article.yeeyan.org
The region, with its abundant sun, would do well to concentrate on suchcash crops as grapes, tomatoes, melons, and strawberries and increase tradewith Europe, she says. web.worldbank.org
In the afternoon, they fall among the strawberries. article.yeeyan.org
He let her feast on the cracker with strawberry jam. article.yeeyan.org
If your strawberry pot is terra cotta, hose down the pot before planting in itso when you water, the clay doesn’t suck up most of your water. www.elanso.com
The scientists gave ethanol to laboratory rats and found that the stomachmucous membrane of those which had eaten strawberry extract for theprevious ten days suffered less damage.