英语段落写作 英语段落写作方法精选






一个段落只能有一个主题。例如:“the advantages of watching television”这个主题就完全可以用一段文字来叙述。但如果题目扩展为:“the ad-vantages and disadvantages of watching television”,那么就需要用两段文字分别加以论述。因为其中含有两个主题,即“advantages”和“disadvantages”。

段落主题的大小一定要适当,比如“solar energy”这个主题对一段文字来说过大,单个段落根本无法说明清楚。若将其缩小为“the solar water heater installed at building 39”就更适合段落主题了。



public transportation→the subway system→the subway line in Beijing

gardening→vegetable gardening→growing carrots

animals→dogs→the dog I bought yesterday

2主题必须是段落内容的浓缩,它必须具备展开,即进一步说明的可能。 如果过于具体,则很难对之加以论述。如:“The Sony word processor costs 40.”就过于具体。若改成“The Sony word processor is an efficient machine.” 就比较好。

3.一个主题定好后,即选定几个关键词(key words)来组成主题句。 这些关键词必须能够充分表达主题的方向和范围。例如:我们确定的主题的方向是一段讲述“发现控制癌症新方法”,那么我们就会选其关键词“control cancer”和“new way”,因此,该段的英文主题句可写为:“A new way of controlling cancer has been developed.”或“There is a new way of controlling cancer.”



句1:In the United States,the system offorced labor,which was known as slavery lasted almost 250 years.

句2:In the United States,the system offorced labor lasted almost 250 years. 句3:Slavery lasted almost 250 years in the United States.

句1有一个修饰forced labor的定语从句,显得很累赘;句2删去了这个定语从句,不但不影响主题句的意义,反比句1简洁多了;句3的措词造句,既简洁又清晰,一目了然。


句4:Pride and Prejudice was a book which in my opinion I enjoyed reading verym uch.(复杂而又冗长)

句5:I enjoyed reading Pride and Prejudice very much.(直接又清晰)






We never had enough time to eat lunch in high school:half of the time I'd get a stomachache from hurriedly wolfing down the food.The food was lousy,anyway,and the kitchen was in poor condition.We complained to the administration,but it didn't do any good.

英语段落写作 英语段落写作方法精选

本段的主题句为“We never had enough time to eat lunch in high school”,而展开句的第二句却谈起了糟糕的伙食“lousy food”,这显然与主题无关。



A:There are reasons why I like to fish.I enjoy the pull of a big fish at the other end of the line.My enjoyment increases if the fish is in the deep waters of a lake.The hope of catching a big one lures me to the lesser known pool sand the cool waters near some hidden rock.I like the quiet under the open sky away from the weekend campers and vacationists.

B:I prefer the last reason.

There are three reasons why I like to fish.First,I enjoy the pull of a big fish at the other end of the line.Moreover,my enjoyment increases if the fish is in the deep waters of a lake.Second,the hope of catching a big one lures me to the lesser known pools and the cool waters near some hidden rock.Finally,I like the quiet under the open sky away from the weekend campers and vacationists.Of the three reasons,I prefer the last.





after,and so forth,at last,eventually,finally,first,first of all,lately,since,then,soon,later,recently...


above,across,against,around,before,behind,below,beneath,close to,next to,oppositeto,over,under,on...

(3)表示因果(cause and effect):

accordingly,as a result,because,consequently,due to,hence,so,thus,therefore,in this way...


although,but,even so,however,in contrast,instead,likewise,nevertheless,like,on the contrary,similarly,whereas...


a case in point,for example,for instance,namely,that is,such as,as an illustration...

(6)表示强调(em phasis)

again,also,anyway,besides,furthermore,in addition,in fact,in particular,moreover,of course,indeed,truly...


as has been noted,in brief,in conclusion,in short,in summary,to conclude,tosum up,in the whole...

(To be continued)




A.The old man began to tell us the story of his life.He was fifteen.He ran away to the sea.He traveled to South America,China,and Australia.Then he was too old to work.He came to this country to live with relatives.Now he thinks all the time about the“good old days”.He was young then.

B.The old man began to tell us the story of his life.When he was fifteen,he ran away to the sea.He traveled to South America,China and Australia.When he was too old to work,he came to this country to live with relatives.Now he thinks all the time about the“good old days” when he was young.


2、符合时间顺序(time order),使文章一目了然。


Ever since I was a child,I had wanted to study art.Since my adolescence,I used to draw whenever I could.Ten years ago,when I was eighteen years old,I came to the United States.At first I studied only English.Then I went to art school.After graduation I began to win prizes from my paintings.Finally I became very rich.

3、符合空间顺序(space order)。

描写事物时,应该按照事物发生的地点(location)及相互空间关系(spatial relationship)排列,从近及远,或从远到近,或从上到下,或从下到上,或由里及外,或由四周到中央,或从一边到另一边。例如:

In the western suburbs of the city of Wuhan,there stands a small town.That is my hometown.To the south of the small town, there is a little river,on the bank of which many trees are flourishing .At some distance to the north,there rises a hill which is called Flower Hill,on which there are many big trees and beautiful flowers.



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